"I'm just a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket and I'm waiting for my rocket to come"

Jul 09, 2007 05:21

Too much going on to post anything meaningful. So let's get on with the crap.

I forgot how much I like Jason Mraz. I love "You and I Both," especially after watching the music video for it. I had expected the video to be really sappy, but when it turned out to be cute and charming, I was very pleased. Yay for him.

I'm really pissed that Jimmy got voted off of SYTYCD. I'm in denial. He truly shouldn't have left. The judges have been so stupid lately. My two other favorite dancers also left: Jesus and Jessi. The only logical explanation I can think of is that the judges are on crack.

I realized why I'm so anal rententive about saying "love." I listened to a voicemail my mom left me a few days ago, and she said "I love you" about 4 times within 20 seconds. I think I'm so conditioned to hear it that when I don't, I feel like something is wrong.

Speaking of which, seeing someone be really selfish in luv made me realize something about love. I think that all people (both in love and out of love) are selfish in that they do whatever they believe will bring them the most or best pleasure and the least pain. However, when you're in love, what brings you the most pleasure is ensuring the person whom you love's happiness. So, even if you're sacrificing your life for someone you love, it's an ultimately selfish act because that is what you believe will bring you the most pleasure (or perhaps least guilt/pain). I know that's a very Ayn Rand way to look at love, but I see this phenomenon as something beautiful; it's the ultimate expression of how much you care about someone else. It's like that quote by Robert Schuller: "Love is my decision to make your problem my concern."

Well, we've covered reality T.V. and the meaning of love. I think we're done here.
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