Positive, UN-whiney post

Nov 14, 2007 23:14

Aaah, a complete turn around from my last entry. Joy of joys!

No more night headaches! The paper still looms, but at least my skull does not throb as well.

Because of the paper though, I must admit, I am chewing my cuticles to the quick. It is a measly 5-7 page paper, comparing and contrasting Flannery O'Connor and John Steinbeck. I know what I want to write about, and I have a thought provoking, original topic (each author's dealings with class and classism in their writing) I am just having issues starting it. I like to write from beginning to end--none of that copy/paste, write in pieces and assemble later whatnot...hence the issues. I've been emailing with Cathryn because she is a big Flannery O'Connor fan (she named her daughter after O'Connor, so it is safe to maker her my go-to person) and have some of my ideas pinned. My professor who assigned the paper is an intimidating lady, so I feel as if this mental block with the paper might be me psyching myself out. I don't deal well with B papers anymore.

At times I feel this is a good thing, but then I look at my fingers and think otherwise.

On a happier note...I went to the Kvasir meeting tonight (literary magazine here at school) and it went really well. I enjoyed it a great deal, which is much different from how I was feeling at the beginning of the semester. I really like the president of the club, she is really very nice, and she makes me feel welcome. I lumped her in with the other unwelcomers that are there, but now I have changed my opinion. Also, I submitted some work, which was read tonight, and they accepted 3 of my 4 pieces. So I am having a banner day! 3 of said works were from creative writing last spring and fall, one was a poem I cooked up this semester. They liked the creative writing ones, didn't so much care for the most recent, but I was expecting that and actually voted my own piece out. I really need to figure out a workshop setting up here...I need an ally who will read my work and tell me what's up.

Okay, I guess I should be going. Enough with all this procrastination!
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