Nov 14, 2001 01:25
if you have a problem with anything i say in this, remember- it's my life, not yours. my opinions may very well differ from your own, and you are free to think whatever you want of me for having them.
the internet, drama creator extraordinaire. it's impossible to read the sarcasm that is meant in a lot of what i write unless you know me really well.
i'm not going to censor myself for anyone. if you have a problem with it, don't fucking read this shit. you probably have better things to do with your life anyway- turn off the computer and go for a walk. go live your own life instead of worrying about what i think of certain things. and before anyone jumps the gun, no this isn't directed towards anyone in particular. it's directed to every one of you and to myself as well.
i'm going to go finish that mixtape i started earlier, and by the time i come back everyone had better have grown up a bit.