Nov 10, 2001 08:41
so today is the day of the show. apparently some people are under the impression that because i have to work today that means that nobody else can go over the songs. hmm. let's see about that...
i have an important part in ONE song. everything else is based more or less around shawn or dan. there's no reason why those songs can't get run through a few times, regardless if i am there or not. i know the songs. trevor is learning them, and wants to go over them a few times before he plays tonight.
decisions should not be made without consulting the rest of the band. if anyone had bothered to let me know about this sort of thing, i would have been able to tell them that we're not going on until around eight tonight. since i get off work at six, and trevor wants to run through the songs a few, do the math. that's plenty of time.
at least i'm not the only person over 20 anymore.
but hey, whatever. we're playing tonight, and we're playing the 17th as well, and we'll destroy everything.
another thing- it's your responsibility to remember when we're playing. you should know that sort of thing far ahead of time. but yeah, you're not me. whatever. tonight we kill.
mood: old, cranky, irritated.
rock: pleasure forever. "curtain call for a whispering ghost".