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A VIDEO PLAYING AS THE FEMALE PROTAGONIST. ♥ Apparently, her name is Minako. Lawl.
This possible genderswitch intrigues me in many ways... because, the more that I think about it, the more I realize that the storyline depends on the gender of the protagonist. As you can see in the video, Elizabeth has been replaced by a man - which I thought was kinda unnecessary - but what about Pharos and Ryoji? They're both supposed to be reflections of the protagonist; is Minako's inner self a man? And what about the other things, like the first time you meet Aigis, when you're "babe hunting" on the beach with Akihiko and Junpei? Or the bathhouse scene? I'm quite curious.
Also, apparently there's a new soundtrack. I'm not sure how to feel about that, but I do like the sound of the new music (though anything is better than Moon Reaching Out Stars; I was noooot a fan of that song). The new gameplay elements I can deal with - like the characters not actually moving through the school. It's kinda cool in a way.
However, what makes me happiest is that apparently you can social link with all of your party members, regardless of gender - in the video, social links are available for Yukari, Junpei, and Ken. SWEET.
Ugghhhh I want to play this so badly. It doesn't come out until November in Japan, though. Who knows when we'll get it? :|
Okay, nerd time is over.