Blood Carnival App

Jun 17, 2011 02:51

Name: Char
Personal Journal:
Contact: charmoeleon [AIM]

Name: Homura Akemi
Canon: Madoka Magica
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Crime Committed: Health care insurance fraud (committed primarily by her doctor, she was found complicit and guilty as well)

Prior to meeting Madoka, Homura was a shy, withdrawn girl who had trouble socializing, to the point of nervously stammering in front of her new class upon transferring. Having been in the hospital for an extended period of time meant that she had few chances to develop friendships (or much in way of social skills) with others her age. Furthermore, she has had little in way of maintained human contact besides doctors and nurses (and the occasional extended family member), due to lacking a living nuclear family and being moved from family to family within her extended family. As such, she has for the most part been a solitary person, without much of a social network to rely on beyond her most basic needs.

Since meeting Madoka, Homura has opened up a little. She still has trouble speaking to people she doesn't know, but with familiarity she finds speaking with people much easier. Her manner of speech remains slightly terse or stilted at times, frequently with long pauses while she thinks, but overall she's much more at ease and warmer. Even so, she's fairly polite with her speech, frequently referring to even her friends by using their surname and the honorific “san” rather than more intimate or casual forms of address. But this is not for lack of her belief in friendship so much as uncertainty on her part and attempting not to be rude.

Those who are kind or helpful to Homura are given the highest regard and dedication, even if she is not the best at showing it. As one who has had few friends, the friends she makes are utterly important to her. For those to whom she feels the greatest bonds of friendship, she is more than willing to put them well before herself, to the point of self-sacrifice. While Homura may not make promises haphazardly, the ones she makes are very much something she seeks to fulfill by doing her very best. Even with her few budding friendships, Homura is not entirely an open book. Her life has been filled with avoiding those painful truths when she can help it, particularly when they may hurt someone else or cause disbelief. However, she does not actually lie all that frequently. Rather, she may simply attempt to avoid mentioning the truth if possible.

Although looking something like the part of a nerd or geek due to her glasses and long braided hair, Homura's long stay in the hospital for her heart condition has left her rather behind on schoolwork. Missing classes meant that she had no formal instructions and was forced to self-study what little she could while awake, leading to much embarrassment with herself in academics upon returning to school. As such, she has something of a complex of being useless and troubling others, something that has been bolstered by feeling like a long time burden to her extended family. Despite her misgivings towards herself, however, Homura is rather bright and intuitive, capable of learning fairly quickly and adapting with enough time. Her problem with schoolwork initially was not so much an issue of being stupid as it was simple ignorance. Even against the handicap of being out of school for so long, she has made a great amount of headway, which has helped a little bit with her confidence. With enough time to catch up on her studies, she could grow to be one of the best students in her class.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl whose parents passed away. Left alone in the world, the girl was shuffled between her extended family over a number of years, moving from town to city to village as each became either unwilling or unable to care for her. Even with no lack of money for her care, thanks to her parents' life insurance, the girl still needed a room to sleep in and someone's time to care for her. As new cousins came into the world or uncles and aunts were transferred to faraway lands, the girl was thus moved on to another home, another town. Cut away from the few friends she managed to make at each school, the girl became less and less able or willing to make friends, knowing that each day they would spend together was another day towards having to move on to another town, another school, surely to be quickly forgotten.

Years passed with this situation, and the girl became diagnosed with a heart condition which made her unable run or take part in physical education classes. Her sickness grew progressively worse and worse over time, to the point that she ended up in the hospital, able to do little but sleep for most of the day. Textbooks and homework piled up beside her bedside, barely touched thanks to her sickness and lack of knowledge of the subjects. Eventually this came to an end too, with her inability to complete it. However, over time she began to recover, thanks to the work of skilled nurses and doctors, to the point that she would be able to attend school once again.

Having grown to become a young woman in this time and having been left behind by the last part of her extended family to care for her, she managed to find a home of her own, and enrolled herself in school once again. The schoolwork after being gone from school so long daunted her, but so too did she worry about fitting in, having had no experience around those her age in some time. But even with her fears and worries, one of her classmates reached out to her, a girl by the name of Madoka. Madoka and her friends were a great help to the girl, helping her when they could, reassuring her and showing her that she could have friends again, even after all that time being alone.

But not all endings are happy.

Not too long into continuing her education, allegations emerged that the girl had cooperated with one of her doctors in order to receive more money to cover her care than was deemed necessary, by signing the necessary paperwork. Though she was but a minor and assured by the doctor that such would be necessary for her care, the sum of the money was great enough that the court could simply not overlook her part in the crime. Pleading guilty, she received a lighter sentence, though would still be required to serve time.

However, even as light as the sentence was to be, some prisons do not give up their prisoners so easily...

First Person Sample:

Third Person Sample:
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