May 08, 2004 22:00
This week was satan. I forget what all happen. But it was bad. AP needs
to be gang raped, and I hate hate hate AP chem. Yuckkkk. Sean and I
"broke up" and it was so hard to say. I've never had to "break up" with
a guy in my whole life. It was scary. Even though we weren't really
official, but I had to say something. But I'm glad I got that over
with. Things with Josh are so much better now, and things with Lauren
seem like they are going downhill. She continuously pisses him off,
puts him in bad moods constantly. I have a gut feeling that he likes
me. Let's see. I'm going up to Boston next weekend I think. Possibly. I
studied my ass off for my spanish test, resulting in getting grounded
at the same time, but I think I did well on my test, so it was worth
it. Plus Erica and I had a lot of fun studying. ha. I think I have a
stye. It hurts. I need to get a job this summer. Baseball season is
about over so I can't make my easy 12 an hour anymore :(
Last night I went with Alece and Amanda to see MEAN GIRLLLSSS. I Loved that moviee.
I hate Lindsey I have fucking huge tits Lohan but I liked the movie a
lot. Why are her boobs so big all the sudden? Good god. In that black
dress they were like exploding out. I wanted to cry. Anyways. I was
expecting some disney PG middle school movie, and I was blown away when
they used the word 'vagina' That boy in the movie was gorgeous also.
Hmm. I bought a shirt and then after the movie I saw Matt, who I hung
out with last weekend in that parking lot...and he most definitely
groped me. It's one thing to hug a girl, another thing to hug her until
you can feel her boobs smashed into you. I don't know if I wrote about
this, but last weekend he said he wanted to talk to me in his car, so I
get in there, just me and him, nad he goes, "I'ld like to ask you a
question, and you need to take me seriously" and so he asked me if I'd
be "interested" in a 3 some with him and Melissa. I was like.."So she's
bi?" and he goes "Not to freak you out, but my dick would definitely be
in YOU, Melissa would just get the fingers" hahaa. So last night Alece
told me that Joe (Matt's best friend) told her that Matt told him that
he thinks I want him. hahaha. Um. We went to Alece's house and sat in
her driveway for about an hour talking, then I went home. This morning
I woke up early to drive to a mall about an hour away because get
this...I had to buy a purse. Yes. My mom has talked me into it, because
"in college, you can't live without one" So of course the one I wanted
is not anywhere but this mall that's really far away. I saw it last
weekend at the mall, and of course with my luck, when I actually want
to buy it, they don't have any. Oh well. I also bought a hot swim suit
:) and umm a shirt, and a hackey sack. I got home and Amanda wants to
go buy some shit, so we went to get snowcones, and went to a different
mall. Ummm. Shit I forget what we did. I bought a Thursday shirt
because it was really nifty and I liked it, and I bought another shirt
somewhere else. I added to my David and Goliath chap sticks by buying
the one with the fat guy on it that says, "are you going to eat that"
and it is vanilla ice cream flavored. It tastes good. This lady at
Spencer's tried to talk me into buying lube. what. I told her I don't
have a lover. At this one store, I guess I was staring at this really
good looking guy that worked there, so he came up to me and started
talking to me, and he told me I should try on this one 'special' pair
of pants because he thought they'd 'look good on me'. So he gave me a
pair, I don't know how he guessed what size. And I tried them on for
him. It was interesting. I am rambling. But I'm sort of putting off
cleaning my room. I got a pina colada. It was good. Oh. We ran into
Josh Matthews from our calc class, and then we saw Alex who's also in
that class. We hung out with Josh and he dragged us into Hollister. We
were in the guy's side the whole time, and I was suprised. They had
some cool shirts. one said 'love your monkey' and I really wanted to
get it, but they were huge. It was yellow. I can't
remember what else I bought. I got home and I had to go to target for
some stuff and plus I needed peanut butter for my peanut butter and
apples. BEST FOOD EVER. I got this starburst chap stick. It tastes
really good. really good. I can't put it on without licking it off. I
guess that is bad. I also bought a lot of gum, and stole jelly bellys
out of the thingys. :( oops. I didn't know they had chocolate jelly
bellys now! They are still flavored like cherry and stuff though. Then
I came home to a shrimp ceasar salad from my mom. Yum. Now I need to
clean my room :(
I find these very interesting. If the population of
China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because
of the rate of reproduction.
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced
enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
Cat's urine glows under a black light.
Marilyn Monroe had six toes.
Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to
its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on
only one row of the keyboard.
Ivory lines lead oooo wah oh. :) That line must run though my head 30
times a day.