(no subject)

Dec 06, 2011 00:30

OOC Information;
Name; Jenny
Personal Journal; personas
Contact; assula@gmail.com, CriticalCold on AIM, and sonnestark on plurk
Other Characters; None!

IC Information;
Character Name; The Disciple
Canon; Homestuck
Canon Point; A sweep or so after Signless' death.
Age; Around 12 solar sweeps, or about 25 years old

House; Heimdall
Power; Healing!

Personality; The Disciple is a loyal, cheerful girl, with a tendency to believe the best of others. She followed Signless' teachings of nonviolence, and truly believed that someday they would come to pass, despite the incredible cruelty and violence of her species. She stuck with Signless and his followers until they end, even though it was nearly certain that she would die. This demonstrates her incredible determination, as well: She lived her life on the run for her beliefs, and continued to do so long after the movement was crushed.

She has a sort of allure about her--people tend to trust her or take pity on her in some way. Signless would share his visions primarily with her, trusting her to write them down accurately, and the Executioner faced banishment and death by refusing to kill her, despite barely knowing her. She's also very intelligent and a bit of a bookworm, with a love for crafting stories and painting pictures with her words.

The movement she followed was one that spoke primarily of nonviolence and peaceful opposition, and the Disciple takes these morals to heart, rarely striking out against others. She is a skilled hunter, though, and very much independent. Trolls are raised by a lusus, a giant monster that serves as a sort of guardian while the young troll serves as a zookeeper. This means that while the lusus can protect and feed their charge, trolls generally fend for themselves. The Disciple is no exception, and even survived completely alone after Signless' downfall. She lived primarily in caves and was never captured by the highbloods, a plain example of her cunning and courage. She continued to write his teachings everywhere she could long after he died, out of loyalty to him and out of a strong conviction not to turn her back on her beliefs. Something to note is that she wrote these teachings in the blood of the animals she'd killed and animals on Alternia are crazy vicious and strong. She's pretty powerful!

The Disciple is certainly good with people. She managed to gain Signless' trust and eventually even his love, despite the fact that due to his mutation he couldn't really trust anyone. She became incredibly close to the Psiioniic and the Dolorosa, too. And while she is technically a lowblood, she falls pretty much into the middle of the hemospectrum, meaning she isn't as quick to mistrust others. She also believes strongly in the destruction of her culture's caste system, which is based completely on the color of a trolls' blood.

Much like her descendant, the Disciple is very open with her emotions and is very good at reading those of others'. She also has a tendency to be very playful and teasing, especially to those she cares for or those she just thinks need to lighten up. She is older and thus more mature than her descendant (obviously!), and more sure of herself. Living on the run for so long, as well as Alternia's general atmosphere, has forced her to grow up very fast, and she is used to dealing with some really heavy stuff. She has a tendency to support others in those situations, and to keep her chin up. She never loses hope, even when all seems lost. She uses basically the same quirk as Nepeta, though she drops the :33 < face at the start of each line and uses proper punctuation. She also avoids cat puns in her writing and speech unless teasing someone. This is partially because she's much older than her descendant and partially because she's a writer and so tends to write and speak a bit more formally.

She's also strangely sentimental and just a little eccentric. Why else would she take Signless' bloody leggings after he died?

Network Sample; It would have b33n nice if someone would have asked me before whisking me here!
But I suppose I don't really mind helping.
I s33m to be one of the few trolls here.
If you wouldn't mind indulging my curiosity, I would love to hear what your species is like.
We don't appear to be terribly different, but all of you are so... Pink!

Log Sample; Here! And just to be safe:

It was hard not to get lonely, hiding out in a cold, wet cave in the middle of nowhere. What little contact she had with other trolls was limited to the few times she went into a city to buy supplies. She was always disguised, and spoke little, and was in an out within an hour. On days like this, back before the movement had been crushed, she would have been curled up with Signless on their ship, listening to the Psiioniic share stories of the vast ships that would travel the stars. The Dolorosa would embarrass Signless with tales of his grubhood, and they wouldn't be completely safe, but they would be together.

But all the Disciple can do is pull her cloak around herself more tightly and wipe the blood from the beast she's just killed on the stone floor at her feet. It's hard not to hear news of the Psiioniic--he's been made an example of, the helmsman of the Condesce's prized warship. She has no idea what's happened to the Dolorosa, who was sold into slavery, but she knows it is horrid and torturous and that she is not allowed to be killed. The Disciple was lucky, surviving purely on luck and the sudden kindness of a high ranking highblood, and she takes this as a sign to continue to spread Signless' word however she can.

So she has. In fact, she thinks she's done a pretty good job this time. His teachings are written on the cave wall in blood, but she's spent weeks carving the words into the rock. It'll be much harder for the highbloods to dispose of this if they find it. Of course, she doesn't leave such murals in every cave she stays in. That would make her so easy to track. But sometimes, she's blatant about it. It's hard not to thumb her nose at them, after all she's suffered at their hands, and after all they did to her friends and allies.

As usual, she carves his symbol in the stone, huge and deep. It seems to enrage the Condesce the most, that Signless' symbol of suffering has been turning into a rallying point. The Disciple grins her fanged grin and stretches, wrapping her book safely in Signless's Leggings before tucking it under the pile of pelts she sleeps on. It was nearly impossible to get any rest at first, without at least a simple recuperacoon, and she has nightmares regularly, but it's worth it. She wants to ensure that her friends' sacrifices will never be forgotten.
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