May 01, 2004 17:04
so last night i ended up going to alameda and hanging out with will for a bit which was fun. a lot better then sitting on my ass at home. yesterday annie and i were handcuffed to eachother for 5 and a half hours. hahaha. it was hell of fun. matt is supposed to be coming over, but i don't know if he has even left his house. hm...
i need a change. i want something to happen. i am getting bored. everyday is the exact same and it is getting really old. i want something new to do. something to happen. it is getting lame always doing the same thing.
i think i am supposed to dye my hair back to normal for monday, but i don't think i am going to unless the school bitches at me and makes me do it.
my cat looks like a fucking poodle. its awful. goddamned dog!
i am really bored right now. i want to around and sing or something. i want it to be summer. i am so tired of school. it is so frustrating. i have been twtiching a lot more lately. that school is so goddamned unplanned and stupid and the academics are a joke, and band is a joke. i never even fucking do anyhting. and mr aton is a fucking jackass who tries to make it seem like it is my choice not to play, or that is it my fault somehow which is total bullshit. i hate that man. i'm not even in the show i don't think, and i won't even be in it unless daniel fails again, and if he does mr aton will tell me like 2 days before the show that i am going to be in it and then he will only make me play like 2 lines of a song becuase i had such little notice, but this time if he does that i am just going to say that i don't want to do it, and my mom said she would back me up. which of course will probably result in me failing the class, but what the fuck ever, its not fair to me to do that, to use me as a fucking last resort. fuck that man.
i am hyper.
i hope this summer is as fun as last summer. it was good. hopefully this one will be too.
only like 29 days to go.