...when you'll never have enough icon space to use them. B)
Not that that's a hint or anything. I just found it amusing.
Anyway, yesterday at Writing Club, we poked at some writing exercises to show characters. The one I chose was called Location - you had to write about a character without them actually being in the scene, whether that was from their possessions, or their documents (letters, whatever), or a conversation other characters were having about them. After mulling it over for a while, I decided to pick a random Muse to write about, and so I ended up writing about a paragraph on Brendan.
The drum kit's all set up, but the sticks are gone. He always takes them with him, whether or not they'll be useful there. That's his name, scribbled on 'borrowed' gaffer tape around the side of the bass drum: "Brendan Langwell". His writing hasn't changed much since he got them: The lyrics sheet delicately balanced on the cymbal isn't his, but the "Geeze, Dai, what an emo" scrawled across it is.
The teacher who co-runs the Club, who also happens to be both my form teacher and my English teacher, said she liked the character and how paranoid he was (????? Brendan's not paranoid) what with the taking the drumsticks everywhere and I should continue writing it to see where it goes. I'd quite like to, and then drag the band back into the room, but I don't really have the time. (Which is why I haven't finished my Cody bunny either. Actually, no, that's more because my Palm Pilot broke.)
I figure no one will answer this meme considering my consistent track record (...have got to stop quoting HSM) of inactivity and how I haven't done it for anyone else (due to said inactivity), but I shall re-post it anyway for the hell of it.
1. Which character do you read and think that's the best character I've played? (not necessarily your favorite, but the best played)
2. Which character do you associate with me?
3. Which character do you think is most like me? (wholly, or maybe a combination?)
4. Which character do you think is LEAST like me? (see above)
5. Any of my characters I should focus on more?
6. Which character do you think I should try my hand at that you haven't seen me play?
And because I am A) lame and B) procrastinating (though I really shouldn't because I only have about half a waking hour left at home), I shall fill it in for myself. B)
1) If I tried to answer this properly, it would probably just be my loudest, which I think may be Brendan. Actually, I think possibly Tayla, who has posted a grand total of once, but that post took ages to write and not just because Jem was hiding the eggs, yet it has ended up sounding very her. (It's just a pity you can't really get tone across in text.)
2) Jesus, who don't I associate with me.
3) Oh, gosh. I really don't know.
4) Bronwyn, Aroha, Jono, and Zachary. Oh yeah, and Sherry.
5) Julian. Um, Jono and Gemma.
6) I want to give the rest of my Starrs more of a go, seeing as Dai tends to hog the spotlight. And I'd like to get my celebs (Aroha, Zachary, Raine, Dan, Emelia) (...and my wannabe celeb, Nicci) in more as well.