Winter is nigh

May 17, 2005 08:30

A handful of the Muses' reactions to the cold:

Russell: OMGWTF IT'S SO COLLLLLLLLD. *puts on about five layers of polyprops under his school uniform, every single piece of school-regulation winter gear he owns (which is naturally all of it), and TWO school scarves, one of which is on his head*

Gloria: OMGWTF IT'S SO COLD - but not that cold, idiot. *puts on polyprops and one school scarf*

Selphie (via e-mail): Hi, Australia's actually really warm! HAHA.

Alicia: Thank god my lectures are in the afternoon today. *goes back to bed*

Sera: *does hiphop very hardout*

Bronwyn: *goes to work (coffee shop) and puts her hands over the hot water jug*

Sol: FUCK IT'S COLD. *juggles stars*

Tamers: BYE. *go back to Japan, where it is going into summer (presumably. ta hemispheres)*

Cal: Y'all are a bunch of pansies! Do you know how much colder it is at 5AM?

weather, bronwyn kerr, *pipitea, calix nielsen, sol starr, alicia wakefield, gloria wakefield, selphie tilmitt, sera owens, russell wakefield, tamers

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