Sep 16, 2004 22:16
last night i jogged & walked 5 miles to my aunts house. i learned after 2 miles that i have smoked sooo much, that my childhood phlem problem has only quadrippled since the past recent years of smoking, at age 15 i was induced with 1st degree emphazima, doctor said if i don't quit within the next 5 years (mainly ciggerates) that i will never be able to recover and eventually die. when i was diagnosed 1st degree, i smoked 3 packs a day, ontop of pot 8hours a day, they say 1 joint is equal to 5packs of ciggerates and 1 blunt is equal to about 10 packs. so imagine smoking 50 packs of ciggerates a day and then go running and learn that you just had a mild heart attact. as i continued to run, my phlem built up, apparently its part of working out all the toxins in your body as you excorsize along with other unliked gasses (burps, farts) last night as i was running, i couldn't breath, the pain in my chest felt like i'ed swalled a dagger, i couldn't spit the phlem without pain, i couldn't swallow it, and i couldn't continue running with it in my mouth, regardless being 2-3 miles away from home i was kinda stranded and having a heartattack along with other unwanted pains. my mother, 5'5", verry short legs compaired to me, we went together, but because she's so much smaller then me, when she's jogging at full speed, i was able to walk slow and smoke a ciggerate (beginning of run) she told me that because 1 step for me was like 3 of her's that i needed to speed up other wise i wouldn't build endorphins, so i was told to blaize a trail, and i did, i got about 3 miles ahead of her in 25-35 minutes, and when i couldn't go on anymore from the agony of my pains, i stoped, sat on the sidewalk, and fainted. i woke up apparently about 40 minutes later when my mother finally caught up with me. she and i both walked the rest of the way. this morning i vomited pure blood, without nearly any saliva and i lost my voice after the first ciggerate of the day. apparently my bad choices in life, are finally catching up with me. and i declair to quit smoking this verry week. otherwise, i will die.