it's been a long time.. again

Nov 22, 2006 18:58

okay so i decided that it has been a good long time since i have written anything..i just have no patience to write anymore lol. been that way for a while! but anyways what's been going on.. umm

i am almost done with this semester. and i will be soooooo glad when i am. i am a lot more active with stuff this year at school. i love S.A.L.S.A. which is our latino affairs group at ecu (not a dance group.) i also joined ECNAO, the native group, 'cause i mean how could i not? and with that i ended up being the SGA rep.. uh yeah let's just say i won't be doing sga next year haha. i still don't have a job.. yeah i know i'm lame get over it.

i met lots of new friends this year thanks to joining the groups! yay! one of them is angela (here ya go babe!) and another, iracema, and i are considering getting an apt this summer.. i SOOOOO want one SOOOO bad but i gotta save some dinero up first.. that part blows.

but it's so funny that i ended up getting involved with SALSA so much and the people. if it weren't for angela i probably wouldn't have (and that is funny too... my native friend got me in the latino group haha inside thing.) because from where i was last semester i wasn't even really considering this group (which is stupid, i'm latina too duh) but i was going to join ECNAO. but i am really glad i am in this group. and i know a lot of people are probably like.. when did she become latina because for most of my life i have just said that i was native american. truth is people my father is mexican whether you knew that or not, my mom is native american and there you have my dos lados [two sides.] it's just that this semester i have embraced that a lot more and i am glad. i have just a right to be native AND latina as anyone. so if you didn't know, now you do. my name is MEJORADO for crying out loud. but enough of ranting about that.

what else? i will be 20 in less than 3 months!! ahh! lame? probably. do i care? no. i moved into greene this semester and it is a lot better than cotten. i mean the long walk to classes/central campus kinda sucks but everything else is better. i have a good roommate who is very chill.

i am at home for thanksgiving break. got back last night. ryan is coming for a bit! that's always good. i was supposed to go to edenton today (and yeah i should probably fill yall in on that) but our road is washed out for the ten thousandth time this year. i was also supposed to go see happy feet this weekend so maybe i can still do that. i am excited for the Christmas party that SALSA is having next weekend. i am so going to buy a hot new top for that and those shoes i wanted! (maybe)

all right well that is all for now. i need a shower but i'm probably going to mess on here some more and watch harry potter and the goblet of fire again yess!

but remind me to write another blog in a little bit about the edenton stuff i gotta fill in on. adios amores!
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