so i am at home.. big surprise. i did something funny yesterday. instead of going down the elevator like i normally would when i have my duffel i pushed it down the stairs and it was funny. it rolled! haha. i was wondering if i had anything in it that would break. but i guess not. [and in case you were wondering i was talking about when i was leaving the dorm mmkay.]
just now i was looking at a complete stranger's LJ [don't judge me!] and i clicked on a link and wow hahahahahaahaha let's just say it was something naughty [but i had known that already] and so to make sure -- or at least try to -- i didn't get found out i deleted the cookies and temps off of this computer so now all my saved passwords and links are gone.. haha hence the subject of this post! goooooooo me!
so my tribe is having our strawberry fest/ceremony this summer and i gotta come up with some good regalia. [for all you who don't know what i'm talking about sorry. look it up.. okay okay i'll tell you. regalia -- never to be referred to as a costume because we will look at you like you are stupid because you are if you call it that -- is what we wear to pow wows or things like this. only i didn't know i'd have to wear it. i am more of a contemporary indian and would much rather be out there in my day-to-day wear but it seems like i will have to have regalia. i have never had regalia that seemed up to par with everyone else's so now i gotta try and change that. ugh. yall just don't know. my colors used to be pink and purple but i am almost 20 years old and don't want to look like a little girl. i mean i look young enough as is and nobody believes i am as old as i am.. okay some don't believe it. so now i gotta think of some colors i want to wear. indian peoples help me!
brb i have to use the ladies' room..
back. and i was thinking of what else to write while on the commode. tmi? so i want my hair long. every time i go get it trimmed there goes my length. well at least in my eyes. and i wouldn't mind it being wavy. i mean i like that i got the mexican straight hair genes but i dunno. i mean i am definitely a no fuss girl when it comes to my hair. and so it is good -- great -- that i don't have to do anything to it usually. but anyway. i want it thick and down my back. let's see by this summer if i don't cut it at all it should grow about two and a half inches. hmm.. that could be good.
ughh but until i can get to summer i have to get through this semester. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. this sucks. what am i going to do?
anyway. my foot still hurts some. and yesterday i knocked a bowl out of the fridge and it broke and it hit my toe a little and my left foot -- the one that is already hurt -- got cut a little. but i didn't get hurt as bad as if the whole thing had of landed on my foot. the bowl wouldn't have been the only thing broken.
and tomorrow night me and sister are going to see stomp the yard. yay sir.
okay about to go write something else.