It goes by L-O-L-L-I-P-O-P.

Feb 03, 2011 05:11

Title: It goes by L-O-L-L-I-P-O-P.
Characters: Kyuhyun, Sungmin
Genre: Crack
Rating: R 
Warning: Heavy on sexual reference. Language.
A/N: This is for bokuwashinigami  ! hahah because I love her and she got me into "seriously written crack fics" xD ILY BB. This is why I based it on lollipopzzz~ Another creeped me out how I was able to write this while listening to Camp Rock. xD (I blame spiridox  about that ) Comments are greatly appreciated! <3


 Lollipops are sweet and delightful.

Everybody loves them. They are some kind of heavenly dessert made for gods, and humans are lucky to have been grace by their presence on earth.

But Cho Kyuhyun thinks so otherwise.

To him, they are condemned sugar-coated torturing device, made for weak-minded guys with a really active imagination like himself. He truly hates those evil pieces of confectionery treats.

It did not help that Sungmin adores playing with his lollipops, instead of plainly sucking on them - or ideally sink his teeth and break it into pieces like impatient little children.

It was one thing to know that lollipops are Sungmin's favorite addiction, it was another to watch him twirl the goddamn candy in his mouth and lap on it occasionally.

Sungmin thinks it's so fucking adorable when it only looks so fucking sexual. What a fucking tease it was for Kyuhyun, and the evidence is clear in his pants.

Later on, Kyuhyun releases his sexual frustration in the bathroom.

Instead of moaning Sungmin's name lovingly like what he was supposed to do, he curses it - together with the lollipops.

Damn you, Sungmin. Jerk. Curse you, Lollipops. Another jerk.

It's like a mantra that keeps him alive.

Lollipops need to melt in hell, according to Kyuhyun.

One day Kyuhyun comes home to a rather surprising scene in his bedroom.

Sungmin is there, on his bed, lying nonchalantly. That's normal.

What is not, are hundreds and hundreds of bouquet of lollipops scattered around their bedroom. It's so fucking ridiculous.

He throws his rather empty backpack across the side of his room in irritation. Sungmin stares at him with a watchful gaze and ( Kyuhyun is so sure about this one that he's willing to burn his computer games if he is wrong) a goddamn smirk on his face.

Sungmin is not what most people think he is.

He is not an innocent cute little bunny as every one assumes. Sungmin is more likely an evil sly fox, disguised in a bunny suit.

Not even most of Super Junior members are aware of this, and that is saying a lot.

To those who are aware, scoff whenever people calls Kyuhyun or Heechul the evil members when it is truly the Aegyo King.

Kyuhyun is quite fortunate to have the opportunity to bask in the evil glory of his roommate.

Sungmin is fully aware of Kyuhyun's hatred towards lollipops. He will never understand logic of it.

Sungmin loves lollipops to bits, and someone needs to suffer for not liking them - even by just a bit.

Kyuhyun just happens to be that someone.

Honestly, that's only the gist of it. The reason behind this is Sungmin might be attracted to Kyuhyun, might be.

Sadism is something Sungmin clearly enjoys, he feels that he should share the joy of sadism. With Kyuhyun, but only if the younger one is on the suffering end.

It's amusing really.

Everytime Sungmin eats a lollipop, there are two things he enjoys. One, the sweet taste of euphoria coming from the candy. Two, another sweet taste of euphoria coming from a getting-turned-on Kyuhyun.

Sungmin is one sadistic bitch, and he's damn proud of it.

“Goddamn it, hyung. What the fucking hell are these for?” Kyuhyun starts to kick all the lollipop bouquets that are in his way.

Sungmin shrugs his shoulders (feinting innocence that Kyuhyun can easily see through) picks up one of the bouquets, and plucks one of the lollipops off.

The older of the two unwraps the lollipop so slowly.

It is like watching a lollipop do a strip tease, that alone makes Kyuhyun gulp. Sungmin's smirk widens.

The lollipop is fully unwrapped from its plastic, and is now making its way in Sungmin's mouth.

He notices the way Kyuhyun slightly gapes at him. The trap is set.

When Sungmin starts licking the candy, he listens to Kyuhyun panting lightly. The prey is lured in the trap.

The lollipop twirls around the elder's lips. Kyuhyun can not hold it anymore. He leaps on top of Sungmin, and places the elder's legs around his hips. The prey is now trapped.

Sungmin quickly flips their body around - Kyuhyun is now leaning on his back while Sungmin is hovering on top of him.

The sadist smiles a wicked smile, pulls out the lollipop and smacks his lips apart.

Kyuhyun, due to reflex, leans forward, closes his eyes and puckers his lips.

Then, the weight on top of his body is suddenly gone.

Kyuhyun is still lost in his lusting stage, but he hears a sardonic laugh a few feet away from him.

When he opens his eyes, he sees Sungmin with a mischievous grin on his face. Of course, that goddamn lollipop stick sits between his perfectly aligned, pearly white teeth.

“You are so fucking gullible and similar to an open book, Kyu,” Sungmin remarks and leaves the room with that sardonic laugh that Kyuhyun can't help loving.

But, god damn it Kyuhyun, when will you stop falling for Sungmin's tricks? Will you ever learn?

Kyuhyun thinks he wouldn't and blames it on the lollipops.

Because, in Kyuhyun's opinion, lollipops is the fucking root of all evil.

In the end, Kyuhyun is back to the bathroom releasing his frustration (sexually and not) against lollipops and Sungmin's sadism.

Damn you, Sungmin. Jerk. Curse you, Lollipops. Another jerk.


group: super junior, one-shot, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, genre: comedy

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