It was Jonghyun's fault after all.

Feb 03, 2011 04:22

Title: It was Jonghyun's fault after all. (11-21-10)
Rating: G/ PG
Genre: Comedy?
Characters: Minho and Key
A/N: 1238 w. I wrote this for Sonali (@minkey) because, well she forced me to. :| But it's alright because i love my dongseng :3 /sits on her/. Here's your Minkey, bitch. I was not in your dream, so, this is how it goes in the story. It turned crackish/comedy for some reason. /kanyeshrug/


The airport was bustling with mostly business people, busily and obnoxiously talking on their handheld communication devices. Every pair of feet shuffled to different direction to god knows where. A tall young man, by the name of Minho, stood awkwardly near the departure gate, scanning the setting around him. It was his first time flying on an airplane and he is quite nervous. Of course, a man wouldn’t openly admit to that, so he pretended like he fitted in by copying others. While he waited, Minho silently cursed his friend, Jonghyun, for making him travel by plane instead of a safe bus ride - it was close to the land as possible and that was the way Minho liked it.

So far, the young man had succeeded in blending in. An hour had passed and he sat comfortably in his assigned seat. An overly joyous young lad took the seat beside him, near the windows. He sported huge shades that made him look like a bug (in Minho’s opinion, actually), fashionably chic outfit, and a small hot pink luggage as a carry on. He was… unique, as Minho would kindly describe him.

The plane had safely departed from the ground ten minutes ago, and it took five minutes for the first timer to mentally calm down by repeatedly cursing Jonghyun’s name in his head. Minho enjoyed the time for himself by reading a magazine offered by the airline, but his neighbor started to stare at him with a huge grin on his face. The quiet man ignored the penetrating stare that matched with the disturbing grin and continued to scan the glossy pages of the magazine. This went on for two minutes before the strange boy cleared his throat which caught Minho’s attention.

“Hi! I’m Kim Kibum, but you can call me Key. I’m so excited to go back to Seoul today. I can’t wait to meet with my friends again! I suppose you’re going to Seoul too, right? Oh, who am I kidding? We’re in the same flight,” he chortled. “Are you excited? Are you going home or are you visiting someone in Seoul? Oh my, where’s my manners. What’s your name?”

Minho stared at this Kibum - or Key as he insisted - with wide eyes and slightly gaping mouth. He had never met someone so, so talkative and outgoing. He spoke as if they were best of friends since childhood. Instead of feeling comfortable at Kibum’s (Minho decided to be more formal) over-friendly presence, he suddenly felt cautious and weary. No one should be this friendly at strangers. Had his parents never taught him, never to talk to strangers? This guy is unbelievable. Minho’s train of thoughts was interrupted by Kibum.

“Well? Are you going to tell me your name? I told you mine, I suppose it’s only polite to tell me yours.” Minho shook his head slightly and smiled, hiding the caution behind it.

“Sorry,” he said, then cleared his throat. “I’m Minho. Choi Minho.” Kibum smiled warmly and extended a hand to him. Minho stared at it for a minute before extending his and gripped the other’s hand firmly and quickly. Just when Minho was about to continue reading the magazine, Kibum spoke once again, “So why are you going to Seoul, if you don’t mind telling me.”

Truthfully, Minho minded telling him, but he just couldn’t tell the other that. So, he briefly answered, “To visit a friend.” Luckily, Kibum did not ask more questions and Minho went back to reading.

“I like your flat cap,” Kibum mused. Minho tried his best not to exasperatingly sigh at this guy and smiled kindly. However, Kibum opened his mouth and the smile faltered, “But it doesn’t fit your outfit. Everything must be color, pattern, and style coordinated. You can’t just simply wear a beige flat cap with a green shirt, you know. Why do people think it’s too simple to wear clothing? It’s work! It’s pure hard work. Do you know how long it took me to pick this outfit?” Minho stayed quiet, quite sure that it was a rhetoric question - and he was right. “TWO HOURS! It took me two freaking hours, okay?” Minho nodded, a bit frightened of the sudden outburst. This went on for more than half an hour and Minho was almost ready to bust someone's cap.

In the middle of his chatter, Kibum seemed to have forgotten that he was rambling (or got tired of it) because he suddenly stared at the small window on the plane and grew quiet. Minho waited for him to speak again, but the talkative man did not. It kind of bothered Minho; not sure why, but it did. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. Twenty minutes. That was the last straw for Minho. He threw the magazine on the floor, scaring Kibum in process, and grabbed him by the shoulders, “TALK! FOR CHRIST’S SAKE TALK! WHY AREN’T YOU TALKING?! THE SILENCE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. WEREN'T YOU GABBING ABOUT RIDICULOUS STUFF JUST NOW? WHY STOP ALL OF A SUDDEN?”

Kibum stared at Minho in a petrified form, his body shook violently because of the other’s force. A couple of airhostesses walked up to their seat to find out what was happening.

“Is everything alright, sir?” Minho snapped out of his delirious state and slowly turned around with a sheepish smile on his face, “Sorry, I was just kidding with him. Right, buddy?” awkwardly patting the other on his shoulder. Kibum, still confused to what was happening, stared wide-eyed at guy who just threatened him for not talking, and slowly nodded his head. The hostesses probably did not want to deal with it anymore because they just accepted his awkward nod and left the scene.

“Sorry,” was all Minho could mutter, and the rest of the flight was completely awkward to the nth power. Luckily, the flight was faster than they had expected. He didn’t have to see the weird, talkative, outgoing boy named, Kim Kibum (or Key as he pinpointed before) anymore.

Or so he thought.


Minho met up with his friend, Jonghyun, just right outside the airport. He was with someone Minho was not familiar with. Of course, Jonghyun gladly introduced them to each other.

“Minho, this is Onew; my roommate. Onew, this is Minho; my childhood friend.” They shook hands and shared bashful smiles. When Minho thought that they were about to leave, Jonghyun told him the news, “We’re waiting for Onew’s friend to come back from his vacation. He should be here any moment now.” Minho nodded his head and leaned on a nearby wall; clearly exhausted from his first flight. Mere moments later, Jonghyun waved him over, indicating that the friend had probably arrived. Minho slowly walked towards them with his head low. When he looked up, a big surprise was laid before him.

“Hello, Choi Minho-ssi.” A familiar voice greeted him.

“You know, Minho?” Jonghyun asked, quite curious to what was going on; same went for Onew.

“He was the guy who freaked out on me in my flight for not talking to him,” Kibum tattled, making the other two boys to cackle in response. And Minho, well, he died a little inside from the embarrassing incident. He promised to himself that he will pummel his childhood friend into bits later that night for making him take the plane. It was Jonghyun's fault after all.

one-shot, pairing: minho/key, genre: friendship, group: shinee, genre: comedy

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