part of the area where i'm from became re-flooded from another hurricane. while driving around a remote area with my mom, we came across a marsh-like everglades area with sequoias and spanish moss everywhere. there was a tiny dock with a small motorboat, enough for 4-6 people to fit in it. i took the boat across what was now a lake to a sort of house isolated in the middle/other side of it. i tied it up to the side of the wooden house and went in. it was exactly how i left it years prior. i had totally forgotten all about it. it was bigger than what i recalled. sort of like the shack on the farm in the black forest in germany from when i was a kid. there was a fridge with some bottled water and a small tv and a box of oreos was still there. in the small 'living room' area for lack of a better word there were framed pictures from earlier times on this lake. me and cam and my friends all fishing. one with cam and two big ass sailfish he had caught (which was ridiculous because not only would fish that large be in this lake, but also they live in salt water). for some reason there were some old pictures of cams dad around too, from before he was born, as if he had previously come to this small lake house. he had a beard, and longer hair, and cam's resemblance to him was more evident than before. as i started to collect these photos to bring back to cam before the house collapsed into the lake or would be destroyed by another hurricane, someone was ambling around outside. i hid out of fear, just below the windows/door. trying to get a better glance i would clandestinely peer over the windows enough to see it was a black man (who perhaps lived somewhere else on this side of the lake/property). eventually, he saw me and shots were fired through the windows and door at me into the house. through much consternation and yelling, i was able to establish the fact that i was unarmed and eventually he came in and apologized, stating that he wasn't sure who i was. we talked about the area, i explained how i had previously come to this place, and i gave him some water. some time later, i returned to the other shore to bring cam back here and show him my discoveries. as he meandered through the house, i took a moment to explore the back, finding to bedrooms and a back door which i didn't remember from the last time i was here. i opened the back door to find a very large grassy embankment on an upwards incline. there were massive trees on the far side of the hill which, beyond, would no doubt lead to forest and other residences. i sat besides the door and heard a scampering of feet which i had not heard in ages. your dog came running around the side of the house and jumped on top of me, greeting me warmly. you were only a few steps behind. i got up excitedly and gave you a long overdue genuine hug. the type you give if you haven't seen someone in years, which, i regret to say it seems like it's been. i asked what you were doing here and you said i don't know, i saw your car on the other side of the lake, so i thought i might find you here. which, in retrospect, is kind of funny, since you've never seen my car (or the imaginary lake house of my dreams). we sat backs against the side of the old wooden house and watched the post-hurricane winds sing through the branches of the hundred year old trees on the hill and talked about a lot of things that were going on in our lives. i mentioned the 'good old days' and you laughed and smiled when you reflected on them. the sentiment that we both wished we could go back to those days clearly did not need to be verbalized. i talked about my plans and the last year and a half and whatever other current lamentations had come to mind. you turned to me and in the quiet, overcast breeze of midday told me that it was ok. you told me not to worry so much. you told me that things would be alright. i doubted you with a half-hearted chuckle and you half smiled in return, knowing our history of pessimism which we both would often speak of. you told me we should both probably get going before the storm returned. i opposed and protested. your dog got up from sitting next to us and so did you with a smile. you said how good it was to see me and that you would again, one day. i again protested as you offered your hand and i stood up facing you. you looked at me with your warm, caring eyes. and i looked at you. knowing that i wouldn't see you again for a very, very, very long time, maybe even never.
you looked at me.
i looked at you.
we looked at eachother...
and then i woke up.
and that was my first mistake so far today.