If You Have a Nextel Phone...

Jan 23, 2007 03:05

you're a piece of shit and i hate you. you have no regard for your family, friends, relations, or acquaintences. to put it more clearly...

(me conveying my feelings to my best friend dan, one of the few assholes who uses nextel)
The Real D R0ck: youre such a fucking piece of shit
The Real D R0ck: youre fucking piece of shit phone
The Real D R0ck: will not even fucking say the nextel subscriber, etc
The Real D R0ck: its just beeps and says no answer
The Real D R0ck: seriously you cant jsut fucking get another phone
The Real D R0ck: it really really angers me
The Real D R0ck: normally it would just piss me off but this no answer bullshit
The Real D R0ck: ive had it up to hear
The Real D R0ck: here*
The Real D R0ck: and why the fuck would you call me and then not pick up when i call back
The Real D R0ck: while were on the subject
The Real D R0ck: its like people who have nextels get together and say
The Real D R0ck: hmm, lets all be assholes and get nextels so that we can contact eachother anyFuckingtime we want via the two way but no one else can get a hold of us ever
The Real D R0ck: do you guys hold a fucking convention or something
The Real D R0ck: i mean jesus,
The Real D R0ck: come on
The Real D R0ck: oh
The Real D R0ck: and youre mom and dad are fucking engineers right?
The Real D R0ck: fucking smartest people in the world
The Real D R0ck: does that entitle them to be unreachable to the outside world
The Real D R0ck: are you not good enough to communicate with us laymen and blue collar workers
The Real D R0ck: is your nextel a symbol of your genetic and mental superiority
The Real D R0ck: no
The Real D R0ck: fuck you
The Real D R0ck: fuck white people
The Real D R0ck: fuck the system
The Real D R0ck: fuck nextel
The Real D R0ck: and fuck you
The Real D R0ck: im out
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