(this could be a long night)
[Visited by a series of ghosts -
Friday 12/21/12]
5 incidents from the past that made you the way you are today
+ I had to guess how to be a good mother, because I didn't have one to learn from
+ I don't know how to say goodbye, because the ones I loved left me before I had the chance
+ I hug a lot, because I always worry it will be the last time I get to
+ The closest you will ever find me to a pig is making my son a hot dog for lunch, or bacon for breakfast
+ If you hurt my family, it will be the last thing you ever do
3 incidents in your present that may possibly have caused your spectral visitation
+ I'm in trouble with "management"
+ I'm in trouble with my husband
+ Something bad is about to happen and I'm getting a heads up
One incident in your future that you want to change, and what you plan to do to try and stave off Fate
+ I know I'm not supposed to meddle. I know it. Even if other things have changed, I will be there that day. I know when, where, and how. And I will be damned if it happens again.
[Post a picture/graphic representation of your favorite leisure activity. -
Wednesday 12/26/12]
(that would be spending time with my kids; in this case, James was helping me with the laundry)