Random Outing meme!
Doesn't have to be a date, doesn't have to be platonic, doesn't matter either way; you're just out and about with someone special and you're intent on having a good time.
1. Post with your character
2. Find someone else to respond to
3. Punch in 1-7 in the old
RNG to get a scenario
4. Fluff ensues??
1. Carnival--Craving some cotton candy? Wanting to go on some roller coasters? Maybe you want to try your hand at winning a prize!
2. Park--A humbler, yet still meaningful choice for an outing; maybe you're on a picnic or walking your d--pet. Maybe you're just talking and feeding the ducks.
3. Boardwalk--Look, you can get sand in your shoes from walking on the beach, okay? And look how nice the view is from up here! Besides, you can't get fish and chips on the beach...although going down to the shore to find seashells is tempting.
4. Cafe--Did you really want a cup of coffee or what? There are other items on the menu, you know, don't be cheap!
5. Ice cream parlor--Try not to get brainfreeze with those milkshakes!
6. Supposedly Haunted house--An odd choice for an outing, but hey you were dared or you and your companion have a personal interest in it. Have fun!
7. Wild card--Pick a scenario or make up your own!
8. But actually all along you can make up your own scenario if you want rather than rolling--
Whoops, that's not seven.