Name: Anna
Are you over 16?: yup!
Personal LJ: soneanna
Email: inabaeyes@gmail.com
Timezone: CST/US Central
Other contact: onlymywits@AIM
Characters already in the game: N/A but apping in Rider of Fate/stay Night
How did you find us?: Friends mentions on plurk :3
Character name: Kotomi Ichinose
Fandom: Clannad
Timeline: After Story, post-graduation
Age: 18
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: None, save for a light orb she gave up to Tomoya (unconsciously). Light orbs work in mysterious ways, and this case, because Tomoya gathered up enough, he was able to reverse time and/or dimension hop to a time where both his daughter and wife were alive and healthy.
How would they use their abilities?: N/A. Kotomi is unaware of the existence of light orbs.
Appearance: Kotomi is a tallish young woman, curvy in figure, with dark purple eyes and dark purple hair kept up in small, pink hair bobbles. Aside from the animesque hair and eyes, she looks completely human.
Kotomi is the "eccentric genius" one often sees. She is the smartest person in her highschool, and one of the smartest nationally. She raised her school's average test scores up so high, her attending classes was made optional, and she now spends all of her time in the school library. But the downside to this is that she is incredibly shy, and one often has to put in the maximum effort to even get her to look at you without hiding behind a book.
As Kotomi spends nearly her entire day in the library, she rarely interacts with other students. She does her work there, she eats lunch there, and she even was granted a special key to let her in there on the weekends and after school. As such, her knowledge of the "real world" is actually very limited. She'll often cut things out of books and see no bad reason for it, and hides behind others and cries when she feels intimidated. She feels the need to be extremely informal with others and vice versa, and often cannot tell if others are joking, believing outrageous lies.
However, this all has a place stemmed from. Kotomi still feels immense guilt over saying "I hate you" to her parents, and them promptly dying in a plane crash. To show the universe that she did not mean what she said, and to repent in a way, she devoted herself to school and completely obliterated her social life. Through the years, this proved to be her livelihood and karmic reassurance. It all came crashing down when Tomoya came back into her life, though.
All those years, she had waited. And waited. And waited. But finally there he was! Except he didn't remember her at all. And strangely, she viewed this as her own fault. Ergo, Kotomi has a bit of an inferiority complex. She'll take daunting responsibilities upon herself, and will take the blame for things that aren't her fault. She tends to cry, or go into shock when people do nice things for her, and finds it hard to accept that yes, people really do like her.
At the end of her route, Kotomi receives a suitcase her parents had sent out into the ocean, when it became apparent that their plane was going to crash. It contained the teddy bear they had bought for her birthday, and a note telling her to just live her life. When she finally reads it, she is able to finally let go of a good chunk of her insecurities. Although what happened had lasting damage, meaning that it would take years of professional help to get her up to social par, Kotomi was, at last, able to step out of her shell.
Have you read up on how the game works?: Yup! The plugin is called FlamingFerret, and the characters can earn money from 1) missions, 2) stealing, or 3) opening their own businesses.
1st person sample:
[A rather frail-looking girl positions herself in front of the camera, and fiddles with the hem of her skirt.]
Um, hello! [She gives a little wave.]
My name is...Kotomi. Kotomi Ichinose. If you could simply call me Kotomi, it would be wonderful.
[She claps her hands together awkwardly.]
I would very much like to get to know all of you. Um. Let's see....how do I start conversations...
Oh, do any of you play instruments?
3rd person sample:
She had been sitting in that chair, in front of that music stand, for several hours. She still had it opened to the first page. She had been going over the first two lines again and again and again.
She had been able to play things like this flawlessly when she was young. What had happened to her talent? She supposed it was just because she'd stopped practicing.
Well, she'd never been able to play Devil's Trill Sonata, before. It was one of the most complicated violin pieces ever composed. Her hands were small and soft back then. Now, they were long and calloused, and peppered with papercuts. But they didn't have the experience her small hands did.
So there she sat, positioned in front of her sheet music, playing over the first two lines of the song. Every time she felt a note out of place, she would start over again, at the very beginning. The furthest she'd gotten the whole time as the fourth.
This time, though, after she went to go bandage up her fingers, after the callouses had started aching, she began to recite to herself a story her father had told her accompanied the song.
" 'One night, in the year 1713 I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul...Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire....' "
For some reason, the first three lines went flawlessly. Kotomi paused. Was it the focusing on the story that helped?
She cleared her throat, and assumed the proper finger positions once more. " 'Among other things, I gave him my violin to see if he could play. How great was my astonishment on hearing a sonata so wonderful and so beautiful, played with such great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy....' "
Kotomi was pleasantly surprised to notice she could get to the sixth line.
Was this strategy the key all along? She smiled to herself, and continued.
Questions?: None, captain~
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: YESSSSS.