Jun 29, 2004 22:13
Today was fun, i went to summer school and sat around for like 3 hours and played cards, then i got home and went and got my hair cut finaly and then i canme home dosed off in the basement untll dinner and ate with the fam and one of my older bros friend, then i went up to Cheyenne elementary school and hung with greg waiting for Kristi and Amanda who drove though the parking lot and went to waldenburg and walked to the school. But greg all ready took off an i was about to but i ran into them and went back and then greg came back. We sat on the swings and Kristi was yelling at some older guys and greg dint seem to be happy. he hurt him self to lol. Kristi i think is gonna break up with him to go out with will but her friends dont approve of him so shes confused wether she sould or not. Then we all went home. An here i am writing this so bored so tried so alone. I also realized i like some one to day i not give name but i give blanks ------> _ _ _ _ _ _ u can guess if u wanna.