Aug 08, 2004 02:43
i am effin sick
i am so tired all the time
playing star wars makes me tired on the computer and wanting to take a nap
the doctor tested me for streph and mono and then said i had neither but had a really bad sinus infection
what the fuck they told me i had one a month ago and it never went away and now it is thrivingly worse
so i have called out of work the past two days i had been working there for a year and never called out and they sounded pissed when im like ::gag i dont feel like i can come in today cough wheezing gagging:: i hate work tomorrow is my last day of work at good red lobster and i think i may call in sick and just not go
my mom took me to look at computers tonight im excited about it
so byd plays the day i leave for murray great
contemplating driving to nashville to see them and then go back to murray all on the first night of college
just dont learn