anime geekdom

May 17, 2009 16:43

This coming weekend it will be time once again for Animazement.  Now, I'm not going to talk about what I will do this year then promise you a con report I will be to tired to deliver on sunday.  Instead I'd like to take a moment to tell you want I want to acomplish by doing this.

In the last year I've felt myself falling out of the anime geekdom.  I retained all knowledge from my otaku days and could still rattle off character attacks and names (ama kakeru ryu no hiromeki.  so ha!) But the fandom has been doing thier level best to piss me off.  Dating a Narutard for a few months will destroy anyone's love of the genre btw.  When I first started going to AZ I was 18 and the average age there was around 20.  Now I'm 25 and the average age is 15.  Also, some people in the scene, not to name names, think that being annoying is cool and makes you popular...and that saying 'penis' as fast as you can won't get you punched in the face.  I remember in otakon 06 when I challenged someone who was getting on my nerves to walk down an alleyway in downtown baltimore chanting some of the things she was saying in the con.  Suffice to say my challenge went unanswered.

What I'm looking for is a different kind of connection.  This is supposed to be a place where you can talk to anyone about anime or video games and not get the slack jawed expression I've come to expect from day to day.  I remember at Nekocon 08 when I stayed in a 10 story hotel where the floors made a giant funnel with a courtyard in the center.  I was in my PJs and a wife beater.  I went through the breakfast line and discovered that there were no empty tables so I asked a stranger if he minded me sitting with him.  We talked for about an hour, about the genre, about where it was going, about the art behind it, the creation of ideas.  It was actually alot of fun.  I miss that, I really do.  And to be honest...I blame 4chan.

4chan, for those of you who don't know is a huge image forum in which all posts are done annonamously.  So, imagine if you had zero acountability for what you said or did on the internet, no screen name and no way of tracking you down.  Somehow, they've managed to cram sodam and gramora into a fax machine and assemble it on the net but unfortunatly god wont be turning anyone on it into salt.  This is the site that made racism and vore (basically sexual arousal to blood and guts) into something funny and they go to cons thinking they're still annonamous and make asses of themselves and make the rest of us look bad by proxy.  So, unless someone can prove to me that there are still a few mature anime geeks left, otakon this year will be my last blast.  hope you're looking forward to it like I am.

now you know why I sign my writings

Headphone Mike

PS:  side rant

If you have a warcraft account, and you've given your guy a detailed backstory...kill yourself.  Here's your backstory, you tried wow and you liked it.  you made a canned character who is a race/class/spec and you're killing things in the wild and your other team.  that's your fucking backstory!!!   Its just a game, wake up!

I have no problem with fanfiction in and of itself.  the problem is that it's only signifigant to you and a small fanbase if you have one.  ever been to  alot of it is hypathetical conversations, bad crossovers and fanboy/girl beatoff material.  It serves no purpose and is usually poorly written....though there are exceptions.

Basically, is an ocean of shit.  no one wants to really dive into an ocean of shit, you just kinda watch it float by.  and if you are a wonderful writer capable of writing beautiful jems that are deep, controvercial or relavent, you are throwing them into an ocean of shit.  and I certainly dont want to read it online or at a con, because it is either made of or covered in shit!!!

god I feel better now.  see you next week everyone.
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