teevee thoughts

Aug 30, 2007 22:00

who watches 'beauty & the geek'?

for those not in the know, it's this reality show where beautiful women are paired up with geeky men (in case you didnt figure it out from the title) to see who wins. i think.

i happened to see a bit of it earlier this weel. but i wonder, who is their target audience? geeks, no doubt fantasise about beautiful women, so they might want to watch it, but really, most geeks worth their salt are snobs (i should know), so they wouldn't watch it. the pretty women are shown as being super dumb. so they are unlikely to watch it, and im sure they will want to fantasise about handsome smart men. what is the insight behind this show. i have been trying to work it out for a few days now. damn.

and i have become a right tv freak. after heroes and lost, i have now moved on to 24. at 10-12 episodes a week, i should finish the 6 seasons in the next 3-4 months. neat. i am loving it.

meanwhile, i watched 'out of sight', that fascinating crime caper from soderbergh. and j lopez was quite smart in her role. and i got to wondering, why does fascinating have a c? won't another s would do just as well?

does anybody else love the new alpenliebe ad? i have new respect for kajol as an actress and the jingle is on repeat play in my head.

sania mirza looks very fit. lost a lot of weight and now actually moves around the court to chase down the balls. sabatini will always remain my favourite though, i still remember being devastated when she lost the 91 finals to graf. that match was also fodder for most of my earliest fantasies, i was a ball boy that gave sabatini a pep talk to help her win the match, and of course i was duly erm .. thanked for it after.

recently caught a pentagram video on vh1, i must admit i rather liked it. strange. very strange.

blitzen trapper - wild mountain nation

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