Jan 16, 2005 23:26
wow, this weekend has been awesome. lets see.
friday after school i went to billys for a bit and hung out there with him and scott and some other people. i then went to carlys and we watched spiderman 2. its such a good movie. very emotional. and i like that in movies lol. her mom made like the best peanut butter and chocolate smoothie thing ever. it was so good. after the movie, we just sat there and watched the fire place and talked. it was nice and peaceful. i then left around 12 and just got home a lil afterwards.
saturday i woke up around 8:30 surprisingly. i was gonna go to billys but he had work at like noon so i called up carly to see if she wanted to go get some food cus i was effing starving. i picked her up around 12 i guess and we went to in n out burger. while we were there, she saw some of her friends there so we stopped and she talked to them for a while. in n out was packed as usual. i guess somebody who was working there knew who i was or something. i think shes a senior at valley. i saw some alumni there also. after eating there, we went back to carlys place and just chilled there. she played some piano and i played along on the guitar. we went to this one radio station contest thingy to get tickets to some thing but we were late i guess? lol. i dunno, we were getting something for her mom. we ended up getting her tickets to something else though so thats good. when we were on our way back to carlys, we were sitting at a red and i see this dude looking at me through his side mirror and i realize its my best friend from junior high. i put my car in park and got out and gave him a hug and talked to him until the light turned green. it was awesome seeing him. we then went back to her house. we had a lil struggle for control of the computer where i basically gave up cus i was so worn out lol. i was seriusly ready to go to sleep right then and there. i went home around 3-4ish i think and just went to bed lol. burkhart then woke me up around 6 and wanted to know if i would go to the basketball game at valley with him. i was like sure so i left to go there. while i was on my way, omar called me and asked if i was coming cus he was already there. when i got there, we all got in omars car and we went to his work to get a couple of things. we then went to his house cus burk needed to get a dvd he left there. we then eventually went to the game lol. it was like 3rd quarter or something i dunno. we were playing seaton and i guess some ppl knew me cus i heard someone say my name and i turned around but i didnt see anyone that looked familiar lol. oh well. after the game, me, burk, omar and jessi went to omars house and just chilled there. we orderd a pizza and just hung out. i then left to go to billys house cus his parents are out of town. i just chilled there with jen mostly. me and and her were like the only ones not drinking. i then came around around 12:30.
today i woke up and went to church. i actally woke up before my alarm went off cus natalie kept texting me lol. thanks. we reheared our set and then i went and picked up carly cus she didnt have a ride to church. after church, i dropped carly off at home and then went to rubios with joe and dewey and we had our small groups thing there. it was really cool. i like small groups alot. it helps alot. after dominating a shrimp burrito and chips and salsa they dropped me back off at the church to get my truck and i went to billys house. we chilled there with mike and tina and some other ppl. we then went to taco bell to eat. i was so tired lol. i fell asleep a couple of times in there. while we were there, we saw his big white guy with "white power and pride" tattoos. the weird thing was, he was hanging out with a big black dude. i was just like, do u know what those tattoos mean? lol. after there we jsut went back to billys and chilled on the couch in the backyard. it was so chill. i jammed on the guitar while billy worked through his pack. we mustve been out there for at least an hour. i then went back to the church for full circle. i got there late though and just sat in the back. after full circle, me, carly, sam and sams bf, josh went to chilis. some other ppl from church were there too. me and carly shared a thing of nachos and sam and josh shared a plate of ribs lol. after that, i went to this girl, megans house cus my bro burkhart wanted me to go there with him. its hello far. its at like elliot and equstrian. niiiiiicee houses! lol. well, when we got there, i guess she didnt want me there cus she didnt know i was coming and there was already "too many" ppl there. i didnt really care. i didnt wanna be there anyways. everyone was like dressed all nice and just standing around in the backyard. i was like excuse me, excuse me, im only here to talk to omar really quick lol. i just talked to omar about meeting up later tonight and then left to go to billys. when i got to billys i just walked in and hung out with tina and some of the guys cus billy was at sharons i guess. i then left to go pick up jen and jackie at there place and brought em back. i then left cus i had to be home around midnight and i had to stop by carlys house to give her her sunglasses i borrowd this morning.
im so glad i dont have school tomorrow. im probably gonna stay in jsut cus i havent seen my family since friday lol. i wanna see that movie "in good company" too tho. i dunno. we'll see what happens. if anyone wants to chill. gimme a call.