Jul 05, 2007 04:15
So Jon and I have moved, we're living in Redmond now. I actually like this place. ^_^
I wanted to go to the NERO Event this weekend... You have no idea how much... But I have to be responsible and clean, unpack, etc. Yech. Oh well. It just gives me more time to make Melina's costume perfect before my triumphant return. I still need new shoes. Not to mention new horns, clothes, and a set of Pan Pipes I've had my eye on. I have no idea when the next Seattle event will be, but at least I've got time.
Not much to say. Well, a lot to say, but it would be a pain to try to type out everything I've been thinking, feeling, and doing over the who-knows-how-long since I last posted.
I'm alive, I'm well enough, and I just thought you should know.
P.S. Sorry I haven't been on messengers. >_>