Jul 08, 2005 02:08
At work, its the small hours of the morning and things are slowly returning to normal.
There are still a significant number of police here, we are still fielding calls from the press and our main corridor is lined with evidence bags that show at least in part the scale of what my colleagues had to deal with today.
One of my colleagues is officially a hero, involved in helping at the BMA building this morning. The rest would argue they were just doing their jobs but I think they did amazingly well.
Those of us who came in to help have heard all the stories, looked at the early press editions and tried to make some sense of what went on.
The casualty figures will probably have doubled from the time I came to work and the time I get to go home.
There are a lot of stories, personal tragedies, horror and fear. I can't share them with you.
I have read a lot of other peoples comments on what happened today and learnt some interesting things about how tragedy is percieved.
I will probably look back on my week, which up until today I thought was bad and think it wasn't so dreadful after all, its all relative.
Tomorrow will be just another day, with any luck.