TKC Dream 001

Feb 07, 2008 16:37


(Emergency personnel are at the scene.)

(Molly and Mohinder are walking across the plaza.)

MOLLY: Wait!

(Molly breaks away from Mohinder and runs over to Matt’s gurney as the paramedics head toward the ambulance.)

MOLLY: (pleads) Please don't die, Officer Parkman. You're my hero.

(Mohinder puts his hands on Molly’s shoulders and pulls her back as the paramedics push the gurney away. He kneels next to Molly as they watch the paramedics.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) We dream of hope. We dream of change.

(Matt’s gurney is put into the back of the ambulance.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) Of fire, of love, of death. And then it happens. The dream becomes real.

(The ambulance doors are closed.)

We dream of hope

There's a voice in the back of Matt Parkman's mind. This is a dream he's dreamed before. There are words in a strange tongue echoing throughoutout his head you're dead

"Alright. Take it easy sir, you're here."
Didn't you know I've only just begun?

But the smell in his dream is all wrong. His eyes are doing their best to open wider, take it all in, but the faces are obscured. We've got a bad connection

The Paramedics are shadows, "Call my...Call my.." His police training has flown out the window. Who was he supposed to call? The ghostbusters are fictional no matter where you're sitting Matthew..

"We know who to call."

A door opens and someone begins to work on his straps. The leather digs into the skin, it tastes like failure. Sometimes the hero has to die.


We dream of change

This isn't a carnival Matty! We're dealing with issues of life and death!
Matt is screaming.
"Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting."
It has something to do with the paramedics with their grinning faces opening mouths without tongues. He's quite sure of this.
You missed that fucking brass ring Matty-Boy.
"The Roman Doctors worked without tongues. They were trained to ignore the sound of their patients screaming."

He begins to struggle frantically as antiquated and archaic materials are lowered over him. An operating table twisted, the sides of which are coated with dust and spiderwebs and the blood of years.

He wants it to be over, if anything because it's so damn gothic and gothic went out with grunge.
How very Californian of you.


Of fire-

For a moment his world is eclipsed by something calling to him from beyond.

"Patient is lapsing."

"BP108. Blood OX is low."

Of Love-


They smell of death, decay and the grave. They're swarming all over him.

I don't want to die!

The paramedics laugh as he calls to mind Janice's face. For a moment the abbrations vanish and he is left with the grave's silence.

"Give me a reason."

You're not popular. You're not good visuals.

"Give me a reason to cheat death."

of death-

Matt is burning, swaddled in crawling sheets with the sweat and tears of their last thousand inhabitants. He starts thrashing wildly, "I don't want to die!"

"Neither did I."
This is a dream, oh god, please let this be a dream!
And in that sleep of death what dreams may come...
Are you sure this is a dream? Or was that other life the reality? Do the dead dream?
Andd I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.

Matt closes his eyes tight and tries to remember being alive.

The paramedics breath stale breath upon him.wispering words without tongues

"...Save me." There are tears running down matt's cheeks as he fights to wake up, "Save me. Please. Save me."

"You of all people should know, that for all of our professions at being heroic, at being heroes, there's no such thing."

One raises a scapel.

And then it happens-
And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly: for what can the man do that cometh after the king? even that which hath been already done.

"Patient is flatlining!"

The hands go down on healed scars and Matt tries to claw at their non-existent eyes roaring like a thing posessed.


The dream becomes R E A L.

It's a pity we couldn't save him, the guy was young. The good die young as they say. Yeah there is that. What's the point of keeping up at this job if you don't save a few? Sadistic torture? Oh yeah. I forgot. The good stuff. Besides, he was supposed to die. You think? ....That's what we were told. Hear that? You were supposed to die Parkman! Supposed to die!

The sound of a door being closed-

Just as Matt Parkman wakes up with a scream to put a hand to his throbbing chest and come away with-



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