Apr 30, 2006 22:26
Tonight on channel 5 news the anchor woman said GINORMOUS. My parents were initially bewildered.
This weekend flew by and was filled with pancakes.
On Sat. morning I went out for breakfast ( pancakes with my parents) This is not a common weekend activity for me, but i enjoyed it nonetheless.
I bought jeans! I win! I love new jeans.
After church I watched a movie with awesome people, ice cream and a fart machine. Good weekend stuff y'know? Then the best part... an unplanned SLEEPOVER at Amy's that morphed into a fullrainy day event to follow. A day full of discoveries: racoon hunting...poisoned crawl space, poaching, AND PANCAKES...
I am still full from the pancakes.
Unfortunatley it rained too much for me to fish THIS weekend. BUt I have to go sometime soon. I need to numb myself to the sliminess of the sport before deep summer. :)
"Deep Summer" doesn't that sound good?
Another busy week is upon us.
Tomorrow I am babysitting after work
Tuesday I get my hair cut after work
Wednesday I either zonk out after work or hang out with AMY. Amy is soo much cooler than Zonking.
Thursday I babysit after work
friday... I love friday.
Just to warn those of you who may not be accustomed to my "lack of effort" entries... I have a tendency to make lists/scheduals. It's more for me to organize it all... but there it is. I've tried to break the habit but... honestly, there are better habits to break.
Tuesday is reason number 2 for this post.
I hate getting my hair cut. I am afraid of committment. Most likely the average guy won't be able to tell anything is different about me after a hair cut. That's kinda how i like it...but i have been wanting to do somethign new. Chances are, I won't. But if anyone has any suggestions or pictures... You know, of inspiring haircuts that have changed your life that you would like to reccoment to me. I will appreciatively take the suggestions into considereation.
Reason NUmber 1
There really aren't words. I have such a hard time expressing how I feel about Christ in words. There's no way to do it. BUt each day, He is becoming more to me than He ever has been before. I am so grateful for the lasting peace and hope I have finally found in HIm. I realized today that i have never been this content in my uncertainty of what is to come. I am such a planner and that has always been a huge struggle for me. I know what i want... But HE know's what I need. ANd things as simple as phone calls for POSSIBLE job opps...or a sudden new and needed frienship when I least expected it. He knows what kind of encouragement I need. I have no idea how it will all fit together or what "it" is. But ugh.... this is the same version of a million of previous entries. But Honestly, I feel different. THis time, I'm not worried. And regardless of how many times He has to teach me the same lesson ( TRUST..HOPE IN HIM...don't say it, DO it) Each time, I learn something new.
I am far from a clear expression of what i am trying to say... but I'm done trying for now. I am grateful.
I decided to try to memorize again. This was last weeks:
Jer. 33:3
Call to me, and I will answer you great and mighty things, which you do not know!
oh, favor? Badger me to write up the things I need to write up that I have been putting off. I need to do it to get a job. I keep not doing it.
" I wanna know, have you ever seeen the rain?..." good ol CCR
"It is really raining, it is very cold rain... your laughing, i'm not laughing" Dane Cook
Crawling towards pillows and Blankets. iT's perfect sleeping weather.