On the Stick/Off the Hook

Aug 16, 2007 08:49

This morning I went to the weekly gathering of POGO (Parents Of Growing Ones), a wonderful group of moms at my church. Each of us has at least one infant, toddler, or preschooler and most stay home with them at least part-time. We're studying a book called If Mama Goes South, We're All Going With Her, by Lindsey O'Connor this summer.  This week's chapter is about our will, a very tough yet necessary topic for me to examine.   So much I needed to hear and read (again).

Romans 7 was referenced by the author, and it occurred to me how often I use Paul's words as an excuse to keep sinning.  Verses 21-23 run through my head almost every time my hand reaches to sin.  And I've been taking those verses completely out of context.  In a way, I'm parroting what comedian Flip Wilson used to say, "The devil made me do it!"  This morning the Lord led me further into the passage to what I believe is the real message He wants to imprint on my heart today: the full passage of verses 21-25.  Time and again I let myself off the hook.  "I'm only human."  "That's just the way I'm wired."  "We all fall short."  All true.  But there's more.  He says to me, "Yes, you were born a slave to sin.  But don't let yourself off the hook.  Just as you can't stop yourself from sinning, you can't pardon yourself either.  Only I can do those things.  Believe that I can.  Come to Me.  Let ME set you free!"

Our study leader also touched on the book of James and I was reminded how prone I am to sinning with my mouth as well as my hands.  I think I'll journal more on that later.  I have three other little mouths to feed right now.


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