Jan 08, 2012 10:13
I have mentioned before I have a strange love of cutesy socks and footwear, and I think I should emphasize. Growing up we were slightly poor and I didn't get tons of fancy clothes. Cellphones, Ipods, and even my old favourite gameboy colour, were only super special gifts given once a year. I had to learn to enjoy the smaller things in my life and I found socks.
Cheap, easy to use, AD-OR-EEEEE-BULLL, and always needed. I cherished those trips to the walmart with my momma because I had small enough feet that the bigger kids socks still fit me and I couldn't get enough of them! I had all my favourite disney classics riding around on my feet and maybe no body but me knew it but I always felt extra chipper wearing them. The dreaded white and gray normal socks were always around but I found my ways to avoid wearing them and pushing them off on my sister.
To this day I still keep my love for socks but now they're less disney and more just plain girly. From knee high's to short fluffy ankle side socks I still have a pretty big collection I refuse to let go of! They will follow me around till they're old and can no longer be worn. Then they become hand puppets!!!