Mar 02, 2004 17:40
I guess I'll update. I dunno where to start. I have a million pictures from this weekend I really should upload, but don't know when I'm going to do that. Ummm......Let's see. Saturday. My dad picked up Amanda around 6.15 maybe? Left for the North Star Bar. Got there around 6.50. Waited outside for like 15 minutes. Went inside. I had to pee like no other. Went upstairs and checked the place out. Amanda got a Senses Fail shirt. I ended up getting a Beautiful Mistake shirt later. We got up pretty close. We were right near the "basement" I guess you could call it. All the bands were down there so we got to see them all come up. Folly was on first. What a cool band. They are a hardcore band, but in the middle of their songs they start playing ska chords. Amazing. They were so cool. And I was talking to the singer and he went to walk away. He held my hand and said "Godspeed....You Black Emperor!" Made me laugh. The Beautiful Mistake was on next. They were great. And they are coming back with Anatomy of a Ghost and Emery. I want to go like omfg! Then Moneen came on. Big technical problems. They only played 4 songs. Before their set, music was just being played through the speakers. It was the Postal Service. The bassist started playing the chords and singing along. It turned into a big sing a long. It was cool. The Postal Service is growing on me. Senses Fail played last. The guitarist walked by me and I was tempted to smack his ass...just because I could. Ummm....They went on. They played some new songs. Good stuff. One was about pirates. Buddy needs to not do what he did to hair ever again. They were quality. Amanda fucking loved them.
We left at like 10.30. Went to Amanda's. Ate some pizza. Me and Amanda and Justine and Dan left for John's. I had to ride with dan. Single handedly one of the scariest experiences of my life. We got to John's. Melissa Jen Steph and Kate were already there. We watched Ice Age and played with his parrot. It was cool. At like...1.15ish we went to the pool hall. It was closing at 2 so we just went to the Philly Diner. I got french toast and bacon. Mmmm. Then we went to Jen and Melissa's. Watched Fear or something. Jen and Melissa were getting in trouble for me and John being over. I didn't know what to do. I ended up sleeping on the complete opposite side of the room from Amanda so "nothing would happen." I was real upset. =[ Woke up at 10. Just laid around for an hour. Left Melissa's. Justine got a flat as we turned the corner so her mom and dad had to come and we had to drive to Firestone or something. Her mom drove me home.
I had a game. We lost by 2. Played this kid that I hate's team. Amanda Kennedy was there to see him play. Went home. Showered. Waited for Amanda and Justine. They came at like..4.30. We drove to Vineland. Went to Denny's. Then we went to Eugene's for the show. It was pretty good. I like that venue. Most of the bands sucked. I was just waiting for Hidden in Plain View anyway. Felt kind of out of place with my ETID hoodie on, but whateva! HIPV was really good. I got some good pictures. They played some new songs. Good stuff. Got good pictures. Got home at 10.30.
Yesterday. School. Suck. Amanda and Vicki came and got me at 3.30. We stopped at Target. Got goldfish. Mmm. Tried that Amp Energy drink. It's not bad. Then we went...where did we go? Oh yeah. The park by Amanda. Vicki ended up leaving her wallet there. She couldn't find it or anything and freaking out later. Her mom went and checked and called the police. They had it so she ended up getting it back. Umm. I went on the slides. And the swings. Then we ended up driving to the Cherry Hill Mall. I finally found a CD that I wanted. Actually I found a million CDs I wanted. I only had enough for a cheap one though. I got the Daughters CD finally. I enjoy it. We left. Vicki stopped at the police station to get her wallet. She dropped me and Amanda off at Amanda's. We just hung out till like...8.30. Then Vicki picked us up and we headed for the bowling alley. In the meantime, I got bitched at by my dad. When I got home Sunday night I was in a bad mood. I don't know why, but I was. Then he was trying to talk to me last night and he wanted to know what was wrong. I fucking flipped. Why should I tell him anything anymore. Maybe it's me, but I don't like it when I tell my parents stuff and they call my guidance counselor.
So yeah. We got to the bowling alley. Me Amanda and Vicki didn't bowl. We just kind of sat around. Good times though. I got home around 10.30 and everyone was sleeping so I didn't get bitched at.
Someone want to.
A.) Run away with me?
B.) Rent an apartment and let me live with them?
I got invited to go to Disney World with Amanda's family. That's like...20 people. And my parents don't know if they are going to let me go. What the fuck is that?! They don't have any reason to not let me go. If i don't go, I will seriously never talk to them again. Ever.
I wasn't angry at the beginning of this entry, but now I am!
"Fuck off. Goodbye."