Title: Untitled
aelysian Rating: PG
Summary: Four untitled post-Born to Run drabbles.
One (100 words)
He should’ve known, but somehow in all of the planning and dreaming and searching, he’d forgotten that he left her in a basement twenty years in the past. She offers to use the voice he knows but he shakes his head. It would hurt too much because it’s her even as it isn’t. He never realized that she was more than what silicon and nanoprocessors can hold and the futility of it aches. It takes two halves to make a whole, but they don’t fit together anymore and he’s learning that alone is what it means to be John Connor.
Two (100 words)
His nakedness is expected; travelling through time isn’t exactly something you forget. The future is alternately chaotic and dead still, but it’s a world that overwhelms him, a living nightmare both worse and better than he dreamed. Weaver is gone but Derek is there, Derek and Kyle and the girl that crushes his leaping hope with a smile. It isn’t until later that he reaches for the pocket watch, for its familiar weight, that he realizes that that’s gone too and there’s nothing left of her or the world he left behind in a crackle of blue light. He shivers.
Three (100 words)
Sarah Connor is a wanted woman, but she sits in the passenger seat wearing sunglasses like they hide her face. Ellison doesn’t approve but he keeps his mouth shut; she’s lost her son (oh god oh god, John. John was gone and her world was crumbling to sand and ashes behind stone walls because she let him go) and places little value in his life at the moment. Savannah Weaver comes out, red braids swinging as she climbs into the backseat. Little girl eyes recognize her instantly but she doesn’t tremble or scream. She smiles a little. Sarah looks away.
Four (150 words)
She takes him under her wing, so to speak, this teenage girl, because she’s kind and soft and smiles for no reason. He likens her to the sun he doesn’t see much anymore until the first time they’re ambushed and she reminds him too much of someone else. Sometimes, not often, but enough to make it sting, he forgets to call her Allison and the feeling is nauseating.
She’s a nice girl, and maybe if he hadn’t come from a world where John Connor meant something other than that weird kid that showed up naked out of nowhere, she might have been something more than nice. What she is, he thinks, is a secret and she had so many. She’s a shard of the person he still looks for every time he turns a corner, every time someone screams metal. He can’t forget, but he stays close just in case.