SCC Fic: 3 A.M.

Mar 26, 2009 03:30

Title:  3 A.M.
Author:  aelysian  
Rating:  PG-13
Word Count:  817
Summary:  Trust is hard to find.  John/Cameron.  Inspired by the order Jesse gives to Queeg in Today is the Day (Part 2), my question "Can you imagine someone telling Cameron that?" and astropixie 's answer "Yes. John."  Don't ask where Sarah or Derek are.

Much thanks to coltanheart  for putting up with my questions ( Read more... )

fandom: the sarah connor chronicles, character - john connor, ship - john/cameron, character - cameron phillips

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Comments 14

midasu March 26 2009, 08:18:11 UTC
oh, this is good.


dannyboi621 March 26 2009, 08:33:58 UTC
Definitely good. The inner dialogue here is amazing.

*Love the icon. Though i cant place the source*


heartfacsimile March 26 2009, 18:43:26 UTC
Thank you! I adore this icon. And the whole photoshoot it came from. It's the Kate Romero one, by the way. You can probably find it at


heron61 March 26 2009, 09:40:40 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous!


indiefic March 26 2009, 12:12:53 UTC
Nicely done!


kgx2001 March 26 2009, 13:57:49 UTC


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