Feb 22, 2006 15:10
I think I've come down with something.
I had such a bad headache yesterday that I had to leave class just to go back to my room and sleep. I get so lonely in there sometimes. I think I came back here and just did some homework.. then went to sleep at 4, got up at 10, had a snack, went back to bed at 11.. woke up at 6. Stayed up for a little while.. my head just felt like it was in a vice or something and I felt like throwing up. I'm pretty sure I had a fever too.. I was freezing cold with five blankets and dressed in fleece. It was really weird, I never get sick.. but this climate's a lot different from what I'm used to.
Then this morning, after I was up for a few minutes, I just went back to sleep until 11 and I'm pretty warm so I guess my fever's broken but I feel really clammy. Too many nights out by the lake I think! I should probably cut down.. I hate getting sick.. 'cause I hate missing class. I'm so hungry! I've had a cup of grapes the past two days because my stomach's been feeling all nasty. Gotta stop sucking face. Hah. Are you sick, Tidus? I'll blame you.
...man, I could really go for a mango right now. Or a tiramisu. Ohh they sound so good. I'm glad I have my bottled water. Maybe the tap water made me sick. I think I'm just gonna take some feverfew and ashwaganda and go back to sleep. My screen's starting to jump around.
Crap, I have to start planning my wedding! It's less than a month away!