turn it up|this volume's going up: friday at san jac was fun to the maxxx. I don't think derek & briana like me. let's try not to think about huh?
photos to come soon: I'm just too tired to upload them & resize. sit tight kiddos.
I've been telling myself about working harder at school and maybe I can go where I want. I mean I'm only a sophomore and I'm not too terribly doomed. well yes I am, but not like community college destined. anywhere but a community college & anywhere but texas. I'm dreading the day where I get my rejection/deferred letters. acceptance letters are skipping this house, someone's been a bad kid for four years. how can someone's future depend on such a well-creased, inked with neat formal type, light-weighted paper? I'm worried like a mother, can't you see the wrinkles?
I hate hate hate my fucking family life. I hate it. and I hate my mom. so much. my dad I can deal with. my mom is just so so so so so so so so fucking annoying. god make her shut up.
fyi: the box will make you feel better, even if it's only for five minutes; you'll still feel good