Sight the King - chapter 13
Summary: After Yuugi wakes up at the scene of a crime with blood on his hands and a voice in his head, there's only one thing he can do: Run.
What a terrible place to stop at! You taunt us! xD
Again, amazing characterization. Thank you for pointing out Yuugi's lack of need for his other self. So many people forget that when writing Yuugi. It's like they either ignore or forget the fact that it's Yuugi who eventually overcomes Yami no Yuugi, and not any one else. Though it takes some time for him to become so in the series, Yuugi is strong and capable of taking care of himself.
Still, even though you pointed this out, you emphasized Yuugi's want to keep his other self around. I think that's what makes the difference between most of the cliched fics out there and your writing. That conscious decision Yuugi makes means so much more in a relationship than two people who are merely attached to one another and depend on each other.
And again, it makes Yuugi a stronger character despite his *cough* short-comings.
I also like the added balance brought to their relationship. Before, while Yuugi still depended on his other self, that balance didn't exist. But now, with the advent of Yuugi saving his other self, and not the other way around, there's an equality that is gained. Definitely a change from the usual Yami/Omote set-up.
[long reply, ahoy!] [slightly related icon, also, ahoy!]
Hey - I was seriously considering just chopping the chapter after the rescue and leaving the reunion until later this week, so *shakes fist* you uoung'uns take what you get and be thankful, goshdarnit! [/senile] Anyway... Yes. Oh, the taunting and the teasing and the build up.
Yes, yes, thank you! Yuugi is absolutely my favorite character because he's so much stronger emotionally than any other person (or former person) in the series - so it makes me so... so DEPRESSED to constantly read about Yuugi the Emo Whore. In this story he just gets a major kick-start towards that development, and is given more of a choice. (After all, he goes through all that to rescue the other Yuugi almost immediately after finding out what, precisely, the other Yuugi does. He very much could say at this point "Well, I don't want anyone else to get hurt" and just leave Dark Yuugi where he lay, but...)
I'm distinctly different from cliched fics? (You saying this makes me do a happy flailing dance of glee in my chair, hooray!) VICTORY. Heh, the main reason I wanted to give Yuugi that ability to decide (other than the fact I love Yuugi and he deserves it) is that if Yuugi and Dark Yuugi were ever to become romantically entangled [which they will in all senses of the phrase], then it has to be out of something more than "you saved my life, here is your princess in distress reward!"
I don't know the exact quote (or if it even is a quote, bleh), but "it is an immature love that says 'I love you because I need you'. It is a beautiful love that says, 'I need you because I love you'." Replace need with want as one sees fit. (or, in this case, replace love with want as is seen fit)
^_^ Oh, midget Yuugi!
I honestly don't think it's possible for them to have a real, working relationship unless they're able to at least feel that they're balanced. I mean, they're both really humble guys compared to one another, and will constantly be going around thinking "I am in awe of how awesome you are, and am a bit surprised you think I'm worth your time," but even that is leagues and leagues different than "You're such an amazing person, I've done nothing for you. I don't understand this at all."
This is probably why my favorite two parts of the manga so far are the ones where its "Must save partner without even off-screen help!", being the game with Otogi, and the Soul Consuming Jar.
So after, a couple years short of a decade in fandom, I'm finally getting the thematic difference between 'yaoi' and 'slash' - and I've decided I much prefer 'slash'. Especially in the Yami/Omote setup, I just can't see one of them being 'the dominant one' and the other being 'the submissive one' all the time. Erm.
Thank you for another lovely, detailed review! I'll keep up with what I'm doing if you keep up yourself, yo. *laughs*
Again, amazing characterization. Thank you for pointing out Yuugi's lack of need for his other self. So many people forget that when writing Yuugi. It's like they either ignore or forget the fact that it's Yuugi who eventually overcomes Yami no Yuugi, and not any one else. Though it takes some time for him to become so in the series, Yuugi is strong and capable of taking care of himself.
Still, even though you pointed this out, you emphasized Yuugi's want to keep his other self around. I think that's what makes the difference between most of the cliched fics out there and your writing. That conscious decision Yuugi makes means so much more in a relationship than two people who are merely attached to one another and depend on each other.
And again, it makes Yuugi a stronger character despite his *cough* short-comings.
I also like the added balance brought to their relationship. Before, while Yuugi still depended on his other self, that balance didn't exist. But now, with the advent of Yuugi saving his other self, and not the other way around, there's an equality that is gained. Definitely a change from the usual Yami/Omote set-up.
Anyway, 'nother lovely chapter~ Keep it up, yo!
[slightly related icon, also, ahoy!]
Hey - I was seriously considering just chopping the chapter after the rescue and leaving the reunion until later this week, so *shakes fist* you uoung'uns take what you get and be thankful, goshdarnit! [/senile] Anyway... Yes. Oh, the taunting and the teasing and the build up.
Yes, yes, thank you! Yuugi is absolutely my favorite character because he's so much stronger emotionally than any other person (or former person) in the series - so it makes me so... so DEPRESSED to constantly read about Yuugi the Emo Whore. In this story he just gets a major kick-start towards that development, and is given more of a choice. (After all, he goes through all that to rescue the other Yuugi almost immediately after finding out what, precisely, the other Yuugi does. He very much could say at this point "Well, I don't want anyone else to get hurt" and just leave Dark Yuugi where he lay, but...)
I'm distinctly different from cliched fics? (You saying this makes me do a happy flailing dance of glee in my chair, hooray!) VICTORY. Heh, the main reason I wanted to give Yuugi that ability to decide (other than the fact I love Yuugi and he deserves it) is that if Yuugi and Dark Yuugi were ever to become romantically entangled [which they will in all senses of the phrase], then it has to be out of something more than "you saved my life, here is your princess in distress reward!"
I don't know the exact quote (or if it even is a quote, bleh), but "it is an immature love that says 'I love you because I need you'. It is a beautiful love that says, 'I need you because I love you'." Replace need with want as one sees fit. (or, in this case, replace love with want as is seen fit)
^_^ Oh, midget Yuugi!
I honestly don't think it's possible for them to have a real, working relationship unless they're able to at least feel that they're balanced. I mean, they're both really humble guys compared to one another, and will constantly be going around thinking "I am in awe of how awesome you are, and am a bit surprised you think I'm worth your time," but even that is leagues and leagues different than "You're such an amazing person, I've done nothing for you. I don't understand this at all."
This is probably why my favorite two parts of the manga so far are the ones where its "Must save partner without even off-screen help!", being the game with Otogi, and the Soul Consuming Jar.
So after, a couple years short of a decade in fandom, I'm finally getting the thematic difference between 'yaoi' and 'slash' - and I've decided I much prefer 'slash'. Especially in the Yami/Omote setup, I just can't see one of them being 'the dominant one' and the other being 'the submissive one' all the time. Erm.
Thank you for another lovely, detailed review! I'll keep up with what I'm doing if you keep up yourself, yo. *laughs*
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