Sight the King - chapter 6
Summary: After Yuugi wakes up at the scene of a crime with blood on his hands and a voice in his head, there's only one thing he can do: Run.
Oh, and as a former journalism student, I had to laugh at the error in the paper (morbid though it was). TOTALLY the kind of thing that happens in my local paper ALL THE TIME. Of course, in a national paper someone's head would roll for that, but . . .
Interesting to see how Yugi functions in the big city. I kept expecting him to totally wig out and be afraid, but the way you did it was IC enough for me to buy it.
*shrugs* It's a fanfic about a show where anorexic boys save the world by playing card games. People try to *take over the world* by playing card games. I *can't* take it that seriously. So, you get quirky names for fast food restaurants.
I'm not sure Yugi's so much anorexic as he is gifted(?) with an insanely high metabolism. I mean, look how many frikken BURGERS he scarfs. But true, true, he does play card games to save the world . . .
*tries recounting the occasions she's seen Yuugi eat, not counting this story*
Dark Game with Mokuba, Fish with Mako/what's-his-face, Pegasus' Castle, and that's all I can think of. Oh, milkshake with Anzu.
And if you go with the anime, Dark Yuugi probably completely forgot to eat during the entire arc where Yuugi's soul is gone, so, um, however long that is.
Okay, so you don't *see* him eat. But he was dead-set on going to Burger World, and I seem to recall some other point where he's like "JUNK FOOD FTW!!!!" Although that was probably in the first part of the manga, before it went over to "CARD GAMES! MOON OVER ANZU! MORE CARD GAMES! AND FOR A CHANGE, LET'S PLAY CARD GAMES ON A BLIMP!"
Oh, and as a former journalism student, I had to laugh at the error in the paper (morbid though it was). TOTALLY the kind of thing that happens in my local paper ALL THE TIME. Of course, in a national paper someone's head would roll for that, but . . .
Interesting to see how Yugi functions in the big city. I kept expecting him to totally wig out and be afraid, but the way you did it was IC enough for me to buy it.
. . . as for that hotel . . .
I'm gonna leave it at that.
*laughs* Yes. Hooray for other people doing things!
There are fun times to be had in the city.
Well . . . it's just that sometimes I'm reading, and I get to these names and go "WTF?" Personal preference, but it kind of breaks the spell for me.
*shrugs* It's a fanfic about a show where anorexic boys save the world by playing card games. People try to *take over the world* by playing card games. I *can't* take it that seriously. So, you get quirky names for fast food restaurants.
Dark Game with Mokuba, Fish with Mako/what's-his-face, Pegasus' Castle, and that's all I can think of. Oh, milkshake with Anzu.
And if you go with the anime, Dark Yuugi probably completely forgot to eat during the entire arc where Yuugi's soul is gone, so, um, however long that is.
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