[11] middle ground & it isn't irony, it just plain sucks; pg

Nov 04, 2009 20:23

An attempt to write something other than qmi for a change. There is a reason I write them so much: they come so much more naturally than anyone else. Evidence is below. Pretty unhappy with how stilted everyone came out.

middle ground

Siwon believes in God. Heechul believes in people.

Heechul's been heard to say on more than one occasion that he thinks religion is only for the fools who aren't self-aware enough to find their own direction; Siwon has despaired over and over again that Heechul will judge his faith so easily, and dismiss it so casually. He has been hurt before, and angry. They clash, often and over many things, inevitable when they are who they are. But their different approaches to life does not mean that they never see eye to eye.

Heechul loves Siwon because he refuses to let other people's opinions dictate how he lives his life; Siwon loves Heechul because he doesn't believe his God looks down on any form of genuine love. Siwon cradles Heechul in his arms, and Heechul's hands are gentle in Siwon's hair. Their kisses are fierce, sweet. They come from opposite directions, different as can be, but something like a thread of fate draws them both to meet in the middle.

it isn't irony, it just plain sucks

Han Geng can't remember what it was like before he fell in love with Siwon. He can't remember when he hasn't laughed at Siwon's insistence that they are "sworn brothers," that they will always have each other's backs.

Han Geng's life is an exercise in irony.

He is not unaware of the fact that Heechul is a little bit in love with him. He knows Heechul well enough after all these years together to recognize when he is being himself, and when he is being himself but in love. The differences show in the way he will indulge Han Geng more often than not, the way he laughs when he teases Han Geng about his accent. It's a shade different from what it used to be. Han Geng isn't blind, deaf, or dumb. He knows what it means.

He pretends he doesn't, because it is easier that way. Because Siwon will come up to him at times and talk about Heechul with that soft, sad look in his eyes, trying ever so earnestly to get Heechul to look at him. "Things have changed," Siwon says unhappily, "but I don't know why. I don't know how to fix it." Heechul used to smile more at Siwon. He used to let Siwon be the center of his life, indulgent and protective.

Now, Heechul will turn his head to Han Geng instead, to whisper a joke behind his hand. All this while, Han Geng wonders if Siwon will ever realize that he's never wanted to be sworn brothers. That he's wanted something more.

And Siwon continues to stare after Heechul, wistful.

He doesn't bother to explain the bitterness in his voice when an interviewer asks him to describe his ideal "super girl" and he, in essence, describes Siwon. Siwon, who sits next to him, smiling at him and utterly unaware.

Han Geng wonders fleetingly if Heechul would know who Han Geng was talking about, should he ever see the interview, or if his own longing would blind him. Heechul, Han Geng thinks, has often chosen to be wilfully blind.

They have all stalled at this delicate juncture, unable to move forward or back. They are waiting endlessly for something that will never come.

Han Geng's life is not an exercise in irony - it is a circle of wishful thinking and unfulfilled dreams, a longing for affection that will never be returned. They will wait, foolishly, too long.

p: siwon/heechul, p: han geng/heechul, p: siwon/han geng, f: super junior

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