We interrupt our totally nonexistent programming for this meme.

Apr 25, 2009 23:09

When's the last time you had a cupcake?
Hrm. It's been a while.

Are you putting something off at the moment?
Not especially, no.

Have you ever seen the film, "Amelie"?
Many times.

Does yelling make you cringe?
Well, it would depend on what exactly was being yelled.

What's the saddest song you've ever heard?
"Ruby's Arms" by Tom Waits

Give me a lyric that describes how you're feeling right now:
"Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)" - I mean it, the sunscreen bit. I was out in the sun all day and I might have gotten the SPF 70 a bit too late, or not applied often enough, my face feels a bit burnt. Seriously though, SPF 70. That's how white I am.

Did you know that pure vanilla extract has 35% alcohol in it?

Do you read romance novels?
Not my bag.

Are you a fan of Melissa Joan Hart?
I LOVED "Clarissa Explains it All" as a kid.

Would you ever install a star bucks in your house?
Nope. I used to work in a coffee shop. I prefer my home not to smell like something I associate with "work."

Do you believe in reincarnation? Why or why not?
Yeah, I'm big on the karmic cycle.

What age were you when you stopped getting an Easter basket?
I haven't.

Are your nails painted at the moment?
My toe nails are painted red for the RED SOX.

Last school project you completed?
My Div Mother-Effin III. (And by "completed," I mostly mean "lived through." If you don't know what a Div III is... well... it's like the academic equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest in flip-flops.)

What are you having for dinner tonight?

What time zone do you want to live in?
It doesn't matter.

Do you own an eighteenth century printing press?

What do you think of when I say strawberries?

Would you ever run for mayor?

Do you own a plaid sweater?

Do you think the atomic bomb should've been dropped on Hiroshima? Why?
I honestly believe that the decision was made with the best information available, and I don't think that I would have known anything at the time that would have prevented me from making the same decision. It's way too easy to armchair-quarterback from 60 years out and say "Well, that was a mistake," but I do believe that *that* particular decision was made from a slew of possible choices, all of which would have been bad.

Have you ever made a home-made pizza?

What's your song for the road?
Just one? "More Than A Feeling" is a classic for air-drumming.

Do you ever watch 'Full House'?
I did, many years ago.

How would you chose your last moments of life?
I would rather not choose them, to be honest. I'd like my death to be sort of like "SURPRISE! You're dead!" So, I guess I'd like them to be just like all of my other moments, which is to say, preferably relaxed and groovy.

Would you rather dress like you were from the 70's or 80's?
80's, I guess. I managed to live through them, though being a young child did make that a bit easier.

The last article of clothing worn that wasn't your own?
N's hoodie.

Have you ever washed your hair in a lake?

Your heritage?

Name one of your unique talents.
I can guess the time with alarming precision.

Ever jump-start a car?

Describe your dream wedding.

The best way to spend friday night?
Just like all the other nights: a simple (yet yummy) dinner, hanging out, maybe watching a movie. Meeting up with friends would definitely be a bonus.

How do you feel about Superstitions?
I have several. They just sort of happen.

Do you litter?
Not intentionally, no.

Sunburn/Tan easily?

What do you put on your hotdog?

Is the word "wicked" in your vocabulary?
I'm from New England and I live in Boston. What do you think? (Yes, I say "wicked" a wicked lot.)

Are academic grades important?
Not in the long run, no.

Where's your haven?
The beach.

Your last car ride destination?

Ever been on the radio?
Not that I know of.

Know any good jokes?
If you're five years old, yes.


Types of trophies achieved?
Meh, I don't think I ever got a trophy that wasn't like "Good Hustle!" or some lame thing like that. I got a few academic awards in High School, but that's it.

Your favorite way to travel?

Sleep with socks on or off?
Sometimes I start sleeping with my socks on because my feet are cold, but always, the socks end up off and my feet are sticking out of the blankets by the time the night is over.

Ever crowd surfed? Where?

Current razor brand?

#1 Fear?

Describe your backpack.
I have a plain black backpack for the laptop that is exactly what you think of when you think of "Plain. Black. Backpack."

Is there a fireplace in your home?

Last time you went fishing? Did you catch anything?
Don't remember, and probably not.

Name all of the amusement parks youve been to.
Disneyland, Riverside (before it became Six Flags) and whatever that one was in Lake George.

How do you feel about chastity?
Clearly, it was not for me.

When's curfew?
Whenever I feel like it.

Your cell phone carrier?

Who does your laundry?
I do.

Do politics interest you?
Eh, moderately. I'm more interested than I've been before, that's for sure, but I still don't follow politics in any sort of detailed way.

Are you good @ giving directions?

Pool or Ocean?

Any siblings?
That status would best be described as: It's Complicated.

Theatre or Art?
Art. Art art art.

Are you double jointed?

Last person to call you?
N, trying to find me & my mama & my Auntie Meg at their hotel after the game.

Ever made chocolate covered strawberries?

How many windows in your room?

Do you like holding hands?
I do.

Do you wear cologne/purfume?
Every day. Currently, I wear Brigitte by Tocca and it's amazingly awesome. I have several others that I've worn daily at some point that have since slipped down to occasional use.

Still own anything from your ex?
HIS TOOTH. No lie.

Car you drive?
I don't at the moment, though I will when we move back to the PVD... gotta get going on that.

Are you a good cook?

Are you a good kisser?
Hope so.

Your best quality?
I'm extremely generous.

Qualities you look for in a friend?
Good karma. Someone I feel comfortable with. That's about it. I'm pretty open.

some little questions

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