Birthday joy!

Sep 06, 2008 12:45

Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes! I had an awesome time at the beach, though the impending tropical storms kept me from swimming in the ocean. Holy hell, those waves were FIERCE. I ducked in for a second and on my way out, I got knocked right the hell over so fiercely that the sand caused some... abrasions... in a sensitive area. Chalk that up to "weirdest and most uncomfortable injury ever."

Plum Island with my mama was excellent. I consumed a lot of really good, really rich food (spaghetti carbonara with chicken for lunch, steak & scallops w/garlic mashed potatoes for dinner) that will probably fill my 27th year with artery congestion, but I care not! It was delicious!

Everything was pretty chill, which is how I like it. And for the first time since moving back to the u-SOFA, my birthday passed completely unmarred by personal crisis. I'm still employed, life with N is fantastic, my friends are the most wonderful people alive, and my cat is the same fat codependent jerk that I've grown to love. I couldn't ask for a better birthday.

I'mma gonna go upload the NINE ZILLION photos I took with that SUPER AMAZING CAMERA that I got for my most excellent birthday. Thanks again for all of the love and well-wishes and Facebook posts and txt msgs and mix CDs (thanks so much, mama_worm!) and belated packages, etc. All this love makes me feel squishy in my happy place!

you say it's your birthday, because i'm a joyful girl

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