Feb 06, 2004 16:30
so last night my sister had some of her friends over to driink at my house. around 2:30am i hear people screaming and guys yelling at each other. then i hear my dad wake up and screaming what the fuck is going on...i wake up and go down stairs and see my dad holding one of my sisters freinds by the neck. well what happened was martin and this guy damine got in a fight and started to brawl in my house once my dad got down stairs they went outside and started fighting in the street. we all tried breaking it up but they were going fucking crazy. one of them pushed my dad and my dads not the type of guy to mess w/, i mean hes a fucking cop so he knows his shit. so my friend alie got socked in the face trying to break it up. then 3:00 rolls around and martin and his friend are screaming down my street calling damine a pussy. my neighbors all wake up. then those assholes left 40s all over my neighbors lawn. my dad made damine spend the night because he was out of control. fuck it was crazy and my poor dad had to fucking handle the whole thing.
.....and get this my sister isn't in trouble ohh that funny, wait no its not
on a lighter note since i was up till 4:30 helping my dad i didn't have to go to schoool till 3 period ...and i drove me and stef to get donuts ......