Apr 18, 2011 12:00
- Sun, 12:55: RT @ alcxxk: Overly serious business: http://plixi.com/p/93128453
- Sun, 13:30: @ dreamtrak be there in about an hour?
- Sun, 14:17: RT @ samuelpepys: By coach to White Hall: the coachman on Ludgate Hill 'lighted, and beat a fellow with a sword.
- Sun, 14:17: RT @ dapwell: HE BEATED ME UP
- Sun, 17:46: I'm bringing out a a leather-bound book cataloguing every tweet I've ever deleted. US$79.99 http://hrtbps.com/book
- Sun, 18:53: These Waitrose raspberries are something else. http://yfrog.com/hskybcmj
- Sun, 20:46: @ laurakirsop @ pgofton just left t'studio. Need owt from t'shop?
- Sun, 22:04: Internet Forever album playback chez Kirsop-Gofton.
- Mon, 09:10: RT @ dreamtrak: Supremely productive day mixing @ internetforever in the studio. Getting pretty close now!
- Mon, 11:23: Underground, Overground, nothing is free. #TfL #themetune #yourewelcome