Ohisashiburi desu ne! Wow it've been a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time since the last time I wrote something on my livejournal. As you already know, I'm no longer work at Bekasi, West Java. I'm back to my home town and now I'm working at a hospital at Malang. As a dietitian, of course. I still a loyal fans to Arashi, even though it;s not as intense as those time when I completely obsess with the. How? When? I'll tell you about it another time.
Now for the real thing.
I always, I epeatm ALWAYS have problems with body weight. I'm have obese Body Mass Index (BMI) which is something that opposite my job as a dietitian. There's a lot of people (my co worker, patient, neighbour, friend, and relatives) that reminds me about the importance to lose weight. Because how people will actually trust me for a diet if me myself being so ignorant about it. But I'm a very confident person, so I just let it flow, I don't care with what people said about my body. I'll just make a joke about it, for example :
"If by any chance I become skinny, that mean I'm in love"
"Skinny? I'll become ugly then."
:It's okay being fat. As long as I'm happy"
I'm not joking. Those thing is exactly what I'm saying to people around me. Maybe they getting tired of it, so they stop telling me those thing. And I have no motivation what-so-ever to diet. Although I saw a lot of obese patient have a deadly degenerative disease, I'm still being myself. I've been living with this body of mine for 26 years, and people mocking me fat? It's a passing breeze for me. I'm immune. I have ZERO consciousness.
About April or May 2017, there;s a little food festival at my hometown. I love food so it's a must to come there. I buy a delicious burger from Jambuluwuk's stan. It cost me 20k IDR. WOW, I still remember the price (how remarkable). One of the stan is not food-related, it's a health check-up, where you can check blood pressure, blood sugar, AND BODY WEIGHT. So I encourage myself to weigh .
It's a shocking and mind-blowing weight. I reach a number that I never imagine I can actually reach. I don't want to reveal it in here. Maybe another time when I have a BIG ciurage, I will tell you guys. But I never expected my body will broke "the record". No wonder people keep telling me I'm fat. But the most shocking thing is yet to come. After that weighing day, I became my usual self. Eating whatever I like, very little physical activity, and still ZERO motivation. And then one day I found myself in a condition that worsen my eating habit : INSOMNIA. I have difficulties to sleep sound and it happened for a few week. At work I feel so tired and the need to eat snack is frightening.
Suddenly it struck me like a lightning : EXERCISE CAN HELP WITH SLEEP DEPRIVATION. There's a lot of article and journal in the internet about how to overcome sleep deprivation. One of them is to exercise. That's my first step and motivation to lose some weight.
If you want to lose some weight to, I think I'm not the only person that can give you a 6344723926547552 ways to diet. But I can assure you, everything I wrote on this blog is pure my own experience. Hmmmm maybe you can call it "experience-based" - to make it sound more posh . So without any chit chat here's my (not so) secret to lose 32 pounds in 6 months
1. Find a Strong Motivation
Here's the deal. There's NO WAY you can lose weight in an instant. A lot of advertisement about losing weight quick, and thre's a lot of people believe it. Why? Because people want to look good and feel good. But is it really good for your body? Is your body really losing what it needed to lose? Or maybe your body, instead of losing some fat, it losing its important nutrient like mineral? I've heard something called "Yo-yo Diet", which means in some part of time you already losing weight, but after you losing some weight and you get an idea that you already thin (but in reality you're not), you get to live your old self. This way, you lose your first objective. But it doesn't mean you're failed. If one day you starting to get the naughty fat back, it's time to get to your sense and get the work back on track.
So how to find a motivation. In my case, I want to get some good sleep and my job it self is a motivation. I want to have people respect my job as a dietitian and get trust from my patient. Looks slim, looks younger, beautiful, and healthy is not a bless or genetic thingy. It's a motivation.
If that still doesn't give you any motivation, measure your body weight and height. Then calculate your body mass index (you don't know the equation? There's an app called GOOGLE, don't be such a lazy dude, look for it). If its reasults is more than 30, than you're obese. Don't panic. It's not that scary. I know how it feels. You feels lonely and ugly, and no one understand you. Sit comfortably, sip some warm water and look around you. What you haven't achieved at 2017? Money? Good job? Good relationship? And then you realise 2018 is here and yet you have the same resolution. Hey, how about starting something new and fresh? Losing weight is not all about getting pretty and hook a guy. If you started diet, you actually can save some money, people starting ask you advice for losing weight, and you have steady lifestyle; even though it's still far from perfect.
After you get motivated, then...
2. Set A Goal
You already motivated. Now you have to make a goal. A VERY SPESIFIC GOAL. It can be waist line, hip circumference, or the easiest : IDEAL BODY WEIGHT. Your body mass index (BMI) should be around 20 - 23 kg/m2. Well, BMI called normal around 18,5 - 23 kg/m2. But I personally feel people with BMI 18,5 or 19 sometimes looks to skinny.
I set a goal for my self. It's about 130 pound...
If you want your goal in form of ideal body weight, then :
- If your height is below 150cm, you can deduce it with 100. For example, your height is 148, so you ideal body weight is 48 kg.
- If your height is above 150cm, you also deduce it with 100, and the you deduce 10% from it. Example, your height is 160 cm. After you deduce it with 100, you get 60. and then deduce 6 from 60 (why 6? because 6 is 10% from 60). Thus you get 54 kg (which is your ideal body weight)
- If by any meand, I what I wrote is wrong, please do correct me. You can comment down below
If you want to set your goal in the form of waist line, it's less than 80 for women, and less than 90 for men.
Btw, I don't set a time for my goal. But if you want to set your goal in a certain time, please do so.
I never actually telling anyone about my diet. Because when people starting to have thought "oh that girl is on diet", people be like "why you eat that? you said that you're on a diet?". People will actually categprize you in a stigma if you did something that opposite from what you declare.
It's like this. One day you tell people you want to go on a diet. They cheer you up, they might ask you what method you used, etc. Then someday you crave for a cake. Just a piece of cake. You take one and then people be like judging you that your motivation is already gone or you get frustated so you eat cake, blablablah. It's just a lil figgin cake. it won't make you fat!!!!!
So in that thought, I just keep silent and telling nobody and let the success make the noise.
But again, it's not as easy as it sound. Even when I keep slint about it, people keep judge my body, and commneting my body without caring about my feeling. Although I already lose 5 - 6 pounds, and I feel incredibly happy about it, there's still people said that I'm fat. Some even said I'm fatter thatn before. I'm ore determined on my goal. My goal is more clear.
4. Physical activity is important!!!
There's an article and a video in youtube that said exercise just take 30% impact on your overall diet. Which means it's OKAY not to work outad just plan your diet. Y'all listen to me " IT DOESN'T WORK ON ME. I tried a month not regularly exercise, just go on eating healthy and stay away from sweet treat. My weight is not decreasing nor increasing. It stay the way it is. I also don't fell any change in my body. It might differs in other people, but for real, I have to exercise. I regularly attend aerobic class, at least 3 times a week.
I always mark my calendar everytime I go work out
5. Record Your Achievement
i weigh every morning after take a shower, and I use a digital scale by CAMRY
It's very important to record your progress. First is for your tracking device. You can see the cycle, when is your body loses weight the fastest, and when is you body weight start to gain, Second, well they said it's okay to look back.
"Sometime it's okay to look back. Just to remind yourself how much stronger you are now than you were"
6. Boost Your Metabolism
Green tea, coffee, and lemon water were often saw as a fat destroyer. People sometimes ask me wheter lemon water can destroy fat and make you thin. If you have the same question, here's some explaination. Coffee and greet tea contains ECgC that can promote fat burn. It's well known that drink coffee or green tea 2 - 3 cups a day can also good for your body because it contains cathechin, which is good to fight free radical; in this case body fat. You can drink it hot or cold, depend on your liking. I suggest not adding any sugar. Me myself drink green tea everyday. It's a regular green tea, not a diet green tea. Sometime people judge me drinking some kinda tea that promotes weight-loss. well, they wrong. I drink green tea not only for weight loss, but also for the health benefit. In the other hand, lemon water can boost metabolism so your body burn more calorie.
It can be concluded that drinking those beverages can help you loss some weight. NOT LOSS YOUR WEIGHT DIRECTLY. Pau attention to it, because it is important.
7. Replace, not Eliminate
Snack time is important. Why? Because it helps you get the energy you need for short period of time. If you skip this part, you can feel really hungry at lunch or dinner time, and you ended up eating a lot of food. What snack is good for you? Sometimes I prefer fruit or fruit juice for snack, like banana, or guava juice, or even protein bar. Don't go on snacking like chips or cookies, you find yourself eat a lot of those thing and still getting very hungry.
You afraid to eat rice? Don't cut it from your daily diet. Or reduce it to half portion. JUST DON'T. Replace it with brown rice or back rice. In Indonesia we have white rice mixed with corn (we called it nasi empok), for extra fiber. I used organic brown rice for my meal. But sometime I eat white rice or white rice mixed with corn.
8. Find Your Weakness
My Weakness is fried food and noodle. I'm looking for information about it, and turns out flour-based product (especially enriched white flour) has a high glycemic index. If I continue to eat noodle almost everyday, I'm afraid my pancreas will worn out and collapse. So I avoid pastry, bread, brownies, and noodles. Noodles is my utmost favorit food. I like it more than rice. So I replace it with vermicelly, which is rice flour-based. And sometime on my cheat day, I eat egg noodle. I have difficulties to control my craving for fried food because almost all food surrounding me is frien or battered then fried. When I decided to eat fried food, usually it's on exercise day, so it won't be restored in my body, and used for energy instead.
I become so sleepy after eat. I tend to keep my dinner time and sleep 4 hours apart.
9. Intermitten Fasting???
Fasting is very effective for losing weight. Intermitten fasting is a fasting when you go 12 hours without eating or drinking. But sometimes people only avoid eating, and drinking mineral water. It can helps your organ to work poperly. Example, your liver can focus on detox your body instead of restore and digest fat. your pancreas can work properly because you don't eat extra sugar evry single time. I see fasting as a way to bring our body back to its nature cycle.
So, how is it? Does it helps you? Does it answer your question on dieting? I would like to hear your comment. And if by any chance, a dietitian read this article and I'm writing something not correct, please do correct me. I like to learn more.
Diet is not difficult. But it is not easy if you don't have motivation. My method might be working only to me or a few of you. But hey, it;s worth to try.
Good luck on your diet