#2: My Background and Me Being Closer to you

Jul 21, 2008 12:53

First off Wallpapers, featuring some members of Kat-Tun, and one pairing of Akame, Eita ♥ and Oguri Shun ♥. "my background and me being closer to you" is today's theme, because first off in Jin's wallpaper I used Ne-Yo "Closer"  Oh and by the way, all the different sizes are also different, like if in the 1280 x 800 size I used balck flower, in the 1024 x 768 I'll use a color full one. Just wanted to let you know guys that you might have something a little bit different from the display. and also, not all of them comes with all size *really sorry about that  -__-' a

1280 x 800

1280 x 1024

1280 x 800

1280 x 1024

1024 x 768

1280 x 800

1280 x 800

1280 x 800

1280 x 1024

1024 x 768

1280 x 800

1280 x 800

1280 x 1024

1024 x 768

1280 x 800

1280 x 800 

1280 x 1024

1024 x 768

*I am currently using his one... maybe I shouldn't share it lol jk *

1280 x 800

1280 x 1024 

1024 x 768

comments are really appreciated!

akanishi jin, kat-tun, kamenashi kazuya, eita, taguchi junnosuke, oguri shun, akame, tanaka koki

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