Aug 04, 2004 22:54
So I have taken my dear sweet time in updating, and you know what? I have no excuses other than I didn't feel like it. So if you people were just dying to know what was going in my life, you should have picked up a phone.
So a lot has actually happened since I wrote last. Every has heard about that job I started working at....well I decided that I really didn't like what I was doing. So on Thursday of that week I mentioned that to my team leader who tells me about another opening within the company. I e-mail the director and interview for the position that Friday and start the next Monday. How's that for flexibility?
What I am doing now....instead of calling up lawyers and telling them why LegalMatch is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I am helping all the people who are doing that. My technical title is Membership Support Assistant. I think it is a fancy shmancy title. Maybe one day replace Assistant with Director....hmmmm. Might just be crazy but the company is growing so damn fast that give me a few months.....
They did hire another girl to work with me. Her name is Julie. She is super cool and super fun. One of the many people who's company I enjoy at work. Basically with this switch over I am so much happier and liking work so much better. Amazing what the right position will do for you. ;)
Speaking of right positions...Matt came down not last weekend, but the weekend before. Wow, it has been that long since I've updated. It had been a month since I had seen him....and was way way way over due. Was still bummed that it didn't happen that weekend before, but hey things like that happen. I guess I did the same to Matt about this weekend. In my defense, I would have if I could have. However, I needed to get a day off and couldn't ask for Monday off today (since it took me a few days to track down the HR girl to ask about vacation days.) I did find out today and called Matt to tell him, and had several nice conversations with his Mom in the process.
But yes, life consists of going to work. Coming home. Eating. Playing with my kitty. Going to sleep by 11. Repeating the next day. Such is the life of a 8 to 5. Speaking of which it is almost 11...gasp! Must sleep now....before I have to give up my old folk claim! Nighty night youngins!