Tutorial #6 - Josef Konstantin

Apr 10, 2008 04:32

The first of the two icons we will be making won 1st place at moonlight_ic challenge 17.

Remember this is just a guide, don't follow it exactly. Things will need to be toggled depending on your image and what you want your icon to look like.

1 - Crop your image to 100x100, and Desaturate it

2 - duplicate your base

3 - layer>new layer, fill with a Tan colour, I used e6c68e, set to normal, opacity 50%

4 - Merge the 2nd and third layer, (the duplicated base, and the tan layer.)

5 - Duplicate the base again and drag to the top, set it to Overlay, opacity 100%

6 - Now write Josef, I used Font: Pea Steph, Size: 24, Colour: e6c68e

~*~*~*~ Now you can leave it there or we can go a bit further. ~*~*~*~

7 - Take your second screencap, sharpen it if needed.

8 - Take the ‘rounded rectangle tool’ and select a reasonably square area of your image

9 - with the new shape layer selected, go to layre>rasterize>shape

10 - select the wand tool, and select the shape

11 - click on the bottom layer (your image) and press cntl+c to copy the selected area, open a new canvas and paste.

12 - Desaturate the image

13 - Duplicate it three times, set the first two to Screen, opacity 100%, and the third to Overlay 100%


14 - go to image>image size> and enter width 33 (the height will look after itself) (mine is 33x33)


15 - Drag onto your icon and position where you like, I put it near the bottom left hand corner obviously.

16 - Go to Layer>New>New Layer, and drag it under the smaller image

17 - Select your painbrush tool, and select a rather large feathered brush, I used 65px, using the same Tan colour (e6c68e) create a glowing dot in the bottom left hand corner, so it gives the smaller image a glowing border.

~*~*~*~ And your done! ~*~*~*~

18 - Other variations, instead of the glowing dot, whilst on the smaller image layer, go to Layer>Layer Style>Drop Shadow, and put in these settings

Colour: ffffff (white) or e6c68e (tan)
Blend Mode: Screen
Opacity: 75%
Distance: 5
Spread: 0
Size: 5


the above made icons, and a few other similar ones, all snaggable, just credit =P

I hope you found it useful and understandable, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, i dont bite =P

Oh and i'd love to see what you all come up with based on this tut =D

tutorial, tv:moonlight, icons:moonlight, icons:moonlight:josef kostan

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