Mar 20, 2007 13:58
So, I saw 300 LAST week.
on tuesday, of last week.
I fell in love. HARDCORE
It is the most visually stunning, action-packed, powerful, badass film ever.
I dubbed myself a Spartan fangurl. They were fucking hot. oh my god.
I spent all class today downloading 300 wallpapers. I'm obsessed.
I told Mark to turn into a Spartan. Funning this is: HE ALREADY PLANS ON IT.
so, he works out, and eats healthy anyway, but now he plans on taking it to the next level.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm by summer, he'll have an 8 pack and i'll dress him up in a loincloth, and a red cape and display him for all to see.
fucking eh.