Oct 26, 2005 00:54
I'm so sick and goddamn tired of reading, seeing, hearing, and putting up with the same bullshit every single day. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. Grow up!
You know why you never see any 40 year old hardcore "kids"??? Cause they dont fucking exsist!
And if you DO happen to see one, they should probably shoot themselves cause I bet you a million bucks their lives are worth shit. Do you honestly think that mooching off your parents, stealing from each other, pretending to be healthy, passing around girls/guys, and making people with jobs and responsibilities out to be some kind of evil regime is gonna get you through life??? I pity those of you that do.
I'm in no means saying I'm perfect OR trying to claim that I have all my shit together...but at least I'm fucking working on it. It doesnt happen over night.
Dont get me wrong...Hardcore is awesome, music is amazing, partying is fucking party, but those are just parts of life...you cant expect to seriously sit around and play video games and burn cds for the rest of your lives can you? How much income does that rake in now-a-days?
I have to stay on top of my ball too, so I'll end this rant for now, but just think about things for a bit. What is that Blacklisted song gonna get you when you're 35 and living in a trailor, waiting to pass a kidney stone, begging your aging parents for more money, and color-coding your collection of Shark Attack vinyl?
None of us are perfect, but we all have to grow up sometime. Have fun while you can though...dont let me or my concerns stop you. Or anyone else's for that matter.
'tis just a bit of silliness, I suppose.
-there's no cure for a dreamer's disease...